All right here it is, the reason for my lack of posting for the last month and the reason I have been so exhausted all the time: 2 big surprises!
First, over Memorial Day weekend, our Bishop wanted to meet with me and Russell about something. Of course that always means a new calling. Russell and I were trying to rack our brains on what calling it could be when I realized the Primary Presidency was getting released. I thought there is no way it could be that so I just dismissed the thought. Then, when we went into the Bishop's office, he wanted to us to say a prayer before we started. While he was saying the prayer, I had this distinct impression that I was going to be the new Primary President. Once again I thought no way. When the prayer was over the bishop looked straight at me and said, "We feel very strongly that you should be our new Primary President."
Of course my jaw dropped and I was immediately over whelmed! I didn't even know what to say, I just said "What does that mean exactly? What does a Primary President do?" Obviously they preside over the Primary and make sure that runs smoothly but there is actually so much more behind the scenes stuff that I didn't even know like scouts, activity days, baptisms, and that is just scratching the surface. I am still learning a lot. I told the Bishop and the counselor over Primary that I was more of a behind the scenes person not a leadership person. They said I would be fine. I very hesitantly said I would try really hard to be a good president. The Executive Secretary is one of our friends and he said I looked pretty shell shocked as I came out of the bishop's office that day. I have served in Primary for all of my married life; 6 years. Two and a half years as Primary Pianist, one year as a teacher, two years as the Music Leader and now Primary President. When I first got called to the primary back in 2006, I realized that this would be the calling in the church that I would love the most and I told the Lord I would always serve there if needed. I love these kids and I really hope I do the best job I can for them. I really think the key to working in the Primary is to love the children as Christ did. As it says in 3 Nephi when Christ came to the Americas, "Behold your Little Ones." Christ took each of those little children and blessed them one by one and wept for them because he loved them so much. Afterward, angels came from heaven and administered to those children as well. I really believe that as workers in the primary, we are those administering angels that helped Christ administer to those children. It is our responsibility to watch over them and protect them.
I knew I had to select counselors that had the same feelings I did toward Primary and the children. I wanted counselors that would just love the children and be willing to serve. I fasted and went to the temple and the names seemed to come so clearly that I almost thought I was just making them up. As the names continued to come back to my mind, I knew they were the ladies I should serve with. When I told the names to the bishop, he was OK with 2 out of the 3 names. The other name he was okay with my back up choice which in reality, as I look back now at the promptings I had at the time, this was the name the Lord was telling me the whole time and I just needed more humbling I guess. These 3 ladies have been AMAZING!!! I could not ask for a better presidency. They are so willing to serve and follow through with every assignment that I never have to worry about things getting done because they just get done. In fact they are always asking me what they can do and doing it that I sometimes feel like I am doing nothing. Our first Sunday as the new presidency was Father's Day. The next week, we moved into a new building which required a lot of work to move everything but like I said before, I had a lot of great help. So we have been in for two weeks and I think things are going pretty well so far.
And the second surprise is:
Yep baby # 3. We are still trying to wrap our minds around this because it did come as a surprise. We found out we were pregnant on June 1 a few days after I got my new calling. The crazy thing about it is we didn't really know when the due date was because we had no way to measure when I became pregnant. But the nurse that did my HCG Blood test said I was definitely pregnant. So she scheduled me to come back in a couple weeks for an ultrasound. Dr. Astle is awesome (he is also my stake president, which does sound kind of weird). He laughed and said "We love unknown dates!!! You must be blessed!" He told me there was definitely a baby in there (even though it is kind of hard to see in the above picture). He said the baby measured 7.5 weeks along which makes the due date somewhere around January 30, 2013. Colby will be 23 months old then which I guess is a good length of time between siblings. I don't even know how to predict what this one will be because this pregnancy has been so crazily different that the other two and I guess once you have one of each you don't mind having another one of either one. I would love another girl for all of the cutesy girly things but I think a boy would be great because Colby and the baby will be close in age that they would be best friend bros (and we already have all of the boy clothes and things out!).
One another exciting note, I just found out that Jessica is prego too!!!!
I stole this picture from her Facebook page because I thought it was awesome. This is her first. The really cool thing about it though is she is due the exact same time as me!! We will be prego together. Wouldn't it be funny if we had the babies on the same day? Anyway I think it is cool. Terral did the needle test on us and it said Jess was going to have a girl and I was going to have a boy. The needle test has never failed us before so we shall see.
Anyway, on a lighter note, here are a few thing we have been doing in June that didn't get documented due to the above reasons. First, my mom, sisters, sister-in-law, and nieces when to see Hairspray at Tuacahn:
It was a lot of fun to have a girls night out and the play was really good too. One downside was we didn't get home until midnight : thirty and then it was back up for work at 5:30. Poor Taylor and Becca were zonked before we got out of the parking lot! The play was really good and I do recommend it is worth seeing. The nice thing about it was we got all 12 of our tickets for FREE! As IHC employees we got 4 free tickets to the show so Russell got us 4 tickets, my mom got 4 tickets, and Chad got us 4 tickets. It was awesome.
And I had to throw in this awesome picture of Colby:
Yes under all that chocolate pudding is a little boy! Needless to say he LOVES chocolate pudding. Lately he has decided that he is big and can feed himself. He really actually does a great job and will eat all of his food if he feeds himself. (Or at least it is out of his bowl and in the vicinity of his mouth as the picture shows.) I can't believe how grown up he is getting.
Well there is an update on me and mine. Maybe next month will be better.