I love Halloween for the fact that the festivities are so fun. I love decorating and dressing up but I especially love the CANDY!! Here are some of the things we did this year to celebrate Halloween.
First, we had to carve our pumpkin.
Emily loved playing in the pumpkin guts. She threw the guts and seeds all over the counter and kitchen. She was so messy!
She even tried to eat some of the pumpkin pieces. She immediately spit them out when she realized it tasted nasty. It was way funny.
Here is our finished product. Scary, huh!
Our ward had a Trunk or Treat party at the church for the kids in our ward and neighborhood. Here is Emily ready to had our treats at our "trunk." The Young Women in our ward also put on a fund raising "Spook"egetti dinner for the ward. The charged $5 a plate and also had a bake sale of their homemade Halloween goodies. The dinner was really good and I think they raised a lot of money for their activities during the year. The Young Men put together a Spook Alley also. Russell is the Deacon's Quorum advisor so he had to help with that. He had the kids stick their hands in worms (spaghetti noodles), and brains (pumpkin). They even had one boy's head under a box so he scared the kids when they looked under the box. There was also a room with a fish pond, and a donut on a string game. It was a really fun ward activity.
Emily is definitely dressed and ready for Halloween!
Isn't she so cute! Emily has her treat bag ready to go Trick-or-Treating at Grandma and Grandpa Farnsworth's house.
"Trick-or-Treat!" There 's Grandpa Farnsworth giving Emily a treat.
Happy Halloween! Boy do I look happy in this picture (not). Any way Russell looks good and Emily is happy because she is eating a Dum-Dum sucker. She had the sucker in her hand when we got in the car because she screamed when we took it away then when we got out of the car, she had it in her mouth eating it! She had figured out how to open it all by herself!
Trick-or-Treating at Grandma and Grandpa Morwood's house. Emily got scared when Jared answered the door dressed as a vampire.
Look at all of the goods the cousins brought home! I speak all of the Reese's!
I also love Halloween for all of the fun things you can bake! I made these Itsy Bitsy Spiderweb cupcakes. They turned out really good and they were sooooo delicious!! I took them to work on Friday and everyone loved them.
You make good cakes! Emily looks so cute as a pumpkin! OUr trunk or treat wasn't that extravagant! I just wish that we could have done a fundraiser for our YW!
1 comment:
You make good cakes! Emily looks so cute as a pumpkin! OUr trunk or treat wasn't that extravagant! I just wish that we could have done a fundraiser for our YW!
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