Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Football and Soccer Season

Colby wanted to play flag football again this year and it was a great opportunity to see if we could get the same coaches and team from last year. The head coach Bric and I tried to get the same boys but we were only successful with three boys. We were able to keep the Steelers team though. It was a great season with a lot of excitement. 

The head coach and I had a goal to go undefeated again this year. We worked the boys hard and also had a lot of fun. Each of the boys worked hard to get us through the season. We had our all star players who ripped it up. One of the most amazing all star players was Colby. He played quarterback for the majority of the season and he was really good at it. But he kept telling me that he wanted to run the ball so the head coach put him in as running back, and what happens? He gets a touchdown on one of his runs! All of the boys had their own special skills they brought to make the season great for the team. There were some games we were not sure if we were going to win, but the boys pulled through on the defense and held the offense so they did not score. I told the boys that the defense had two rules, no first downs and no touchdowns for the other teams' offense. 

It was a great season with a goal met. The Steelers went undefeated for the second season. Colby loved it and he hopes to play again next year with the Steelers. At the end season and for the last game we had a party for the boys for doing such a great job. We also were able to give the boys a certificate with a nick name on it. Colby's award was for his Fast Hands being a quarterback. He was really good with hand offs and getting the ball where it was needed. He worked hard this season and now we can't wait for next year
This fall was a busy time for Colby. Not only  did he have football practice and games, he also had soccer practices and games. Due to Covid-19 in the spring, the Spring Soccer season was cancelled and then it was put off and put off until of course right during the football season. Colby stepped up to the plate though and worked hard in both sports.  

It was awesome to see how good he was getting in both sports. He is a really good ball handler with the soccer ball. His favorite position I think was a defender but he was also a great forward and could get the ball down the field.  He loves to go out in the backyard and play with his soccer ball. It was a great year and I think they also won the majority of their soccer games. One thing for sure this kid can sprint really fast. I think he will be even better in track and field as a short distance runner.  Nice work Colby!

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