Friday, March 26, 2021

Piano Recital

The kids just finished another year of Achievement in Music (AIM) in their piano lessons.  AIM is a music skills testing that enables the kids to show off what they have been learning throughout the year in their lessons. During the assessment, they are tested on sight reading, scales, theory, and performance. As part of the performance, they memorize and perform two songs.  They all did amazing passing off the levels they were placed in. Emily passed off level 4 scoring a perfect score on her performance pieces. Colby passed off level 2 also scoring high on his performance. Logan will begin AIM level 1 next year but still began learning the foundations for the testing this year.  

After completing the testing, the kids had a recital to perform their songs for their families.  After a year of virtual recitals due to Covid-19, we were finally able to have an in person recital! I am glad the restrictions are starting to lift. All three kids did an amazing job performing their songs.

Logan played "King's March," Colby played "Cool School," and Emily played "Fireflies." This was Logan's first piano recital and he did amazing.  They all did!

At the end of the recital, Emily and Colby were giving their medal and certificate for passing off their levels. All of their hard work and goals paid off! They are really improving their piano skills each time they practice.  Good Job!

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