Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me.

Happy Birthday to me!  I am getting so old.  I turned 37 this year and its hard to say that...  I never really imagined what it would be like to be 37 and it just makes me realize I am not getting any younger.  Well the good thing is that I don't feel old.  I feel like I always have.  I am still able to do all the things I want to do and I have energy to do them.  Now yes by the time it is 8:30 I am ready for bed.  I am not a night owl anymore but that's okay with me.  
While everyone was at our house for the 4th, Jen and Ashley did a little birthday thing for me.  They had everyone sing "Happy Birthday" and then I blew out some candles on my flag jello cake.  They also gave me a pretty orchid flower.  It looks so beautiful, let's hope I can keep it alive for awhile.  It was so nice of them to remember my birthday!

Having everyone over for the past weekend was really fun but also really hard for me.  I was exhausted.  Don't get me wrong I love having people over and the kids really enjoy having their grandparents and cousins over to play with, but it is a lot of work.  Hosting everyone took a toll on me and I needed time to be alone, quiet, and away from everything and everyone or I was going to lose it.  So as a birthday present to myself, I took a long bike ride.  
I rode 37 miles, one for every year I have been alive.  It was the best two and a half hours I had spent in the last week.  I just cruised up to Hardware Ranch, gazed out over the meadow and just enjoyed the solitude before heading back down the canyon and home.  The ride really made me feel free and young again.  
I was hoping the craziness of the weekend would all be gone by the time I got home. When I got there, Russell and the kids were already cleaning the house and had it pretty much done.  Yeah, another great birthday present!

For my birthday, we decided to go kayaking at Porcupine Reservoir.  This was first time we had taken our kayaks out this year so it was a much needed trip.

We all had a great time floating and swimming around in the water.  I got a new Garmin watch before the Little Red Ride because my other one died.  With this new watch, I can do a lot more functions so I tried out the kayaking function today and kayaked around the lake.  I tracked one mile of kayaking before heading back to shore.  It was really fun just being out on the lake alone seeing how far I could row.  
Like I have said before, Brooklyn is a fish.  She loved the water a little too much because she kept trying to get in and swim away.  I don't think she realized that she doesn't know how to swim, she just wanted in the water.  When we put her on the kayak, she was in heaven.  She didn't want to get off.  We floated her around for quite a while and she loved it. 

The kids just love swimming in the water.  They mostly use the kayaks for flotation devices to get out to the deeper water.  They will kayak for a bit but them just swim the rest of the time.  I am the opposite, I would rather float around on the kayak than actually swim in the water.  Oh well we all have a good time.
The day spent at Porcupine was the best.  I love hanging out with this family of mine.  Mostly I love just relaxing in the shade, and watching them have fun.  This was a great day for me and a great birthday!

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