Thursday, September 7, 2023

Happy 7th Birthday, Charlotte!

Can you believe this girl is seven?!  Charlotte was so excited to be celebrating her birthday that she told all of her friends about the Frozen birthday party she was going to have even before she told me she was planning it.  Well, it was decided, I guess, a Frozen themed birthday party for this cute girl.

Charlotte wanted to invite all of her friends to her party and couldn't wait until the official day.  For decorations she helped me cut out snowflakes and Anna and Elsa paper dolls.  We took a lot of ideas from the Frozen party Emily had at this age so that made planning a little easier.

I love easy cakes and this one was a basic round cake simply decorated with a blue snowflake.  The wow factor came from the inside though with the different shades of blue and white cake mixed together.  Charlotte loved it.

Party time finally arrived and all of the kids seemed to have a good time.  To start off the party, we had the kids spend some time on Frozen coloring pages while we waited for everyone to arrive.

Then it was time for games.  First up was "Pin the Nose on Olaf."  Good old Olaf has been around for many years and he is still holding strong.  We have used him for birthday parties and class Christmas parties throughout the years.  The kids liked this game but I think there might have been a little bit of cheating going on because they all seemed to get the nose right on the correct spot.  Hmm...

Next it was time to play in the 'snow.'  Okay thankfully we do not have snow in the forecast yet so we had to improvise.  First we had a 'snowball' fight with all of our white socks rolled into balls.  The kids loved throwing the socks or snowballs at each other.  When it got out of control, we moved on to another game much to their sadness.

The next game was "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"  Once again, no snow, so we improvised with toilet paper.  Russell and Tyler were good sports and let all of the kids wrap them up with toilet paper and then decorate them with scarves and beanies.  This game was a hit and all of the kids were laughing.

Next it was present time.  Charlotte received a lot of nice presents from all of her friends.

She loved her Elsa doll, Rapunzel Lego set, Soccer Barbie, and new water canteen.  For her birthday she really wanted biking gloves like the older kids so that she can ride her bike.  We found some small enough to fit her hands so we'll see if she uses them.  She also wanted a Squish Mallow, which is basically a really soft stuffed animal.  These things are all the rage right now with kids so luckily we found a ice cream shaped one for $3!  Charlotte loved everything.

Finally it was time for cake.  All of the kids were getting crazy by this point so it was good to sit down and put some food in their mouths.

After singing "Happy Birthday," Charlotte blew out her candle and dove into cutting the cake.  She wanted to do all of it on her own.
She was a good server and got all of her friends some cake before herself.  

Charlotte is such a good girl.  She is fun and really laid back.  She loves to play with her Barbies and stuffed animals.  Charlotte also gets along really well with Logan and Brooklyn.  She does butt heads with Colby sometimes but that is probably normal.  She also looks up to Emily a lot.  Charlotte loves school because of all the friends she is making in her class.  Charlotte likes to play the piano too.

Happy 7th Birthday, Charlotte!

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