On Friday we took the Hyrum Youth Council to the Utah State Capitol Building to experience a day in legislature. This was a very fun and educational experience.
We started the day off pretty early meeting at 6:00 am to drive down to Salt Lake. We were scheduled to have a tour through the Capitol with our Senator's Intern at 8:00 am. We met with the intern, Rebecca, and she gave us a personal tour through the building.
She took us through all of the rooms, showed us all of the amazing murals, and also took us downstairs to show us the building's base isolators that protect the building in case of an earthquake. The most fancy room was the State Reception Room or the Gold Room. This room was literally wallpapered in gold leafing! It was very beautiful and very colonial looking. This is the room the Governor does all of his meetings and press conferences and things so it is like the Oval Office of the Utah State Capitol building. I thought it was amazing to see all of this beautiful building and learn about the history and uses of this place.
While we were there, we also got to meet with our local Utah Senator, Scott Sandall and our local House Representative, Casey Snider. These guys were so happy to meet with us and talk about what they do. They encouraged each of the kids to look at politics as a way to help the community as a whole.
Senator Sandall and Representative Hawkins (another Utah House Representative) took us out onto the floor of the Utah Senate and House of Representative meeting rooms. This was so cool because no one is allowed to go into these rooms unless they are invited in by a Senator or House Representative. It was truly a once in a lifetime thing. They talked about the things they do in these rooms during the 45 day legislative session. They taught us about the legal process of making, debating, and approving Bills and Laws for the State. It was pretty fascinating.
Later, when the House and Senate were in session, we were able to watch from the gallery above and actually see how these things are done during a session. I was kind of disappointed that we didn't get to see any major debates or discussions about the bills being talked about. Then I realized that because we came so late in the legislative session, (the 45 day session ends next week) all of the Bills we watched had already been debated and rewritten multiple times. This was the third reading for all of them. Next time we should go earlier in the 45 day session. It was still pretty eye opening to me to watch the legislative process.
One more exciting thing that happened was that Cosmo, the BYU Mascot, was there wandering around for fun. After leaving the Capitol Building, we headed to Golden Corral for lunch. This seemed like the highlight of the trip. Ha ha! I hope these kids learned something from this experience as well as had a good time together.