Sunday, January 22, 2012

Finally Crawling!

Colby is finally crawling! He is 10 1/2 months old. He took his first crawls on Wednesday (1/18) and has been getting better at crawling ever since. He still prefers to roll but he is starting to crawl a lot more. Today I put him on the floor in church and he started crawling away up the aisle. I had to go catch him. He can't go very fast or far yet but he is getting stronger. I set him in the front room and then went to do something in the kitchen and when I when back in the front room, Colby was no where to be found. I found him down the hall in the toy room! He had crawled that far. Well I guess I am in for it now. I going to have to keep a sharper eye on him now that he is completely mobile!

Another fun thing Colby likes to do is ride around on our little Red Clifford dog. He can push himself with his feet and walk all over the house. He loves riding it and petting the nose. Sometimes he falls off though if he leans to far over.
Emily also loved riding Clifford. Here she is at about 7 months sitting on him. She could scoot around on him yet though. Clifford has been a good dog but if you notice, he is in mint condition in Emily's picture but has no eyes or eyebrows in Colby's picture... Yeah Emily tore all of the stickers off of him. Colby doesn't seem to mind though. He just like riding around.

1 comment:

The Nielson Bunch said...

Go Colby...cute comparison pictures.