Wednesday, January 8, 2014

11 Months

I can't believe my baby is 11 months old!  Logan is growing up too fast!  He is the cutest and funniest baby ever too.  Here are his 11 month old pictures:

Logan has gotten so active over the last month!  At the beginning of December, he was just army crawling and I could really just leave him with toys and be fine.  Well not anymore!  Within about a week or so he became very mobile.  He started crawling, pulling himself up to stand, cruising around the furniture, and just getting into everything!  He even started climbing!  I was getting Colby dressed after a bath and I looked over and Logan was climbing into the bathtub!  He had pulled himself up and had one leg up almost over the edge of the tub.  I had to hurry and grab him.  It was so funny.  Logan also gets into everything.  He has found the pots and pans and the Tupperware drawer in the kitchen and he pulls everything out of there multiple times a day.  He is a stinker!  

This is a common sight everyday.  Logan likes to climb up my legs to get me to pick him up.  He will also hold unto my legs and go for walks.  He likes to walk with his pushing walking toy too.  Logan just might be our engineer in the family.  He likes to study things and take things apart and put them back together.  He likes to put things inside other things too.  It is fun to watch him learn.

Logan is also getting his two top front teeth in.  If you look close in the picture below, you can see them.

Logan loves to brush his teeth at night.  He gets really mad is you take away his toothbrush before he is done with it.

Here are our three little knot heads:

Logan loves his brother and sister and tries to do everything they do.  The other night Logan even started wrestling Colby!  Logan has learned many "good" things from his older siblings.  One cute thing is how he puts up his little thumb and pointer finger in the shape of a gun and says "Bang!"  Logan has started saying a few words like, mama, daddy, sissy, blankie, eat, bye-bye, and hi.  He also likes playing with cars and will ever make 'vroom vroom' noises while he drives them around.

Kids are so fun.

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