Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Fire Safety Training

One cool thing about having a firefighter for a dad is that he gets to come to school and do awesome presentations.  Logan's class was talking about Fire Safety and safety plans at home and at school.  As part of their learning, Logan's teacher asked Russell if he would come and do a little demonstration and fire safety lesson for the kids.  Russell likes doing things like this so of course he said yes.  Because of all of the mask mandates in the school, we decided to do the lesson outside so we didn't have to wear a mask.  

First, Russell walked into the classroom in his full turnouts and told the kids there was a fire and they needed to follow him and their teacher outside.  They were so surprised.
Outside Russell gave his little speech about fire safety.  He also told the kids how to stay safe in case of a fire in their house.  He told them to not hide, place blankets under the door, and get low to the ground.  As part of practicing getting low, he set up an obstacle course where they had to crawl on the ground under some ropes.

Then he had one of the kids try on his turnouts.  Because of the Covid restrictions, he decided Logan would be the best one to have try them on.  That way we would not share germs.  Logan loved it and was totally drowning in the uniform.

In the end all of the kids received fire fighter hats and were excited to pose for a picture.  It turned out to be a good lesson and hopefully one the kids remember.  

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