Monday, January 4, 2021

Welcome 2021!

2021, a new year full of new things for us to learn and do.  I hope 2021 will be eventful and exciting.  I hope it will be back to a new normal without fear of Covid-19 or any other problems.  We are also looking forward to some good changes this year and making ourselves better.  One fun thing we are looking forward to is the addition of a new member of our family in April.  We can't wait to meet this new little baby.

For New Years we traveled to St. George to spend time with the Farnsworth's.  Traci was in town so it was fun to see her as well.  To celebrate, we played a lot of games and the kids had fun with their cousins, Johnathan and Ezra.  One fun game Grandma Farnsworth taught the kids was potato bowling.
In potato bowling, the kids put a potato in a pair of nylons and then put it on their head and tried to knock things over with the potato on their head.  They thought the game was so fun and they looked so funny doing it.  We also played a lot of other fun games until midnight when we rang in the New Year. 

The next day we met up with one of Grandpa Farnsworth's friends, Casey Scott, at a remote control airplane park.   While there we got to see a bunch of awesome model airplanes fly through the air.  The kids loved watching the airplanes take off, fly and then come in for a landing. 

There were many different types of airplanes flying through the sky.  Even though they were all remote controlled, they were still amazing to watch.  Some of them even blew smoke as they flew, doing aerials in the sky.  We loved watching all of the tricks the planes could do.  The boys especially loved seeing the different designs and types of planes.

The rest of the weekend was spend playing with cousins and visiting grandparents.  We were loving the warmer weather and just having a good time.  This was a great start to a New Year.

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