Monday, March 22, 2021

Donating our Hair

One of my bucket list items was to donate my hair to charity at least once in my life. The thing that was hard was my hair really does not grow very fast and it usually has some dye in it too. Four years ago I lost all of my hair due to chemo.  Since then, I have wanted to do something to give back and help another cancer patient struggling with her sudden change in appearance. Donating my hair was a simple thing I could do. When my hair started growing back, I was so happy. I let it grow and grow and three and a half years later it was finally long enough to donate! 

Not only did I donate my hair but Charlotte's was long enough to donate as well! We got our hair cut together and we love our short cuts now. 

 I donated 11-12 inches of hair and Charlotte donated 8-9 inches. Charlotte liked having long hair like Rapunzel but when I told her she would not have as many tangles in her hair, she was all for cutting it.  She now likes her short hair and I love how full the short cut makes her hair look. It also makes her look more grown up.

Emily decided she didn't want to be left out of the hair donating party so a few weeks later, she went and got her hair cut too.

She was not so sure if she wanted short hair but was willing to give up 8 inches for the good cause. I like her short hair but she is hoping it will grow back quickly.

I decided to donate our hair to the Children With Hair Loss foundation because they provide wigs at no cost to children dealing with cancer, burns, alopecia, and other conditions. I would not wish cancer on anyone especially kids but unfortunately it continues to rear it's ugly head. Donating our hair is just one way we can help. 

This was a fun experience to do with the girls. We are excited to ship our hair off to help these kids! 

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