Wednesday, February 9, 2022

10 Months Old

Brooklyn is 10 months old now. She is so fun but totally rules the roost. We love her though so it doesn't matter. 
Her newest trick is climbing the stairs.
One night Charlotte laid out some toys along the stairs and Brooklyn crawled to get all of them. Before we knew it, she was at the top of the stairs without any help. Don't worry I was right behind her in case she fell back but she did it all on her own.  Climbing up is pretty easy but now we need to work on going down the right way without falling. Until then the gate is still in.

Charlotte and Brooklyn love being twins.

They are adorable... And sassy. 

Brooklyn still loves to eat and has tried almost everything with no problems. The one thing she might have issues with are tomatoes. Her face gets pretty blotchy after eating them.  Oreos are the best though:
They are definitely the messiest that's for sure. Brooklyn is also learning sign language and can sign "milk" and "cookie." What more does she need to know, right?!
Happy 10 months Baby Boo!

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