Wednesday, March 9, 2022

11 Months Old

Brooklyn is 11 months old!  Almost a year!  This girl is the cutest thing ever.  She is also so fun to have around.  Everyone loves her so much.

Just look at all of her funny faces.  This month she has started getting her first tooth.  It hasn't quite popped through but you can hear it when you tap it with a spoon.  She is also crawling all over.  She speed crawls to everything she can.  She will stand next to the couch but hasn't dared take a step yet.  
Brooklyn loves being outside.  It is finally getting a little warmer (well the snow has melted at least) so we were able to go to the park for the first time in her life.  This was the best day ever she thought.  The swings were her favorite.

She laughed and laughed and just had a great time swinging away.  She did not want to leave even though her hands were ice cubes.  Brooklyn cried and screamed when we took her out of the swing.  We will definitely have to go to the park more often when summer comes.

Another milestone Brookie went through this month was spending the weekend at Grandma's without Mom.  She and Grandma may never forgive me for that but they both survived so it is what it is.  Brooklyn is definitely a Mama's Girl and did not like not being able to see me.  Luckily Emily, the second mom, was there to cling to.  When Russell and I got back from our trip, Brooklyn just flew into my arms and clung to me.  She would not let me out of her sight.  It was kind of funny. 
Happy 11 months Baby Brooks!

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