Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November Novelties

There were a lot of fun things happening in November for us.  First was Emily's mountain bike banquet. It was a great first year with the NICA mountain biking team. Emily had a blast her first year. She came a long way from April to October. Russell also had a blast being a first year coach and helping the other seasoned coaches during all the rides and races.

 The closing social was a good time. There was a slide show of all the kids doing fun things throughout the season. There were treats and awards for the seniors and other students. Later we broke off in schools for other fun awards. The coaches recognized some students for fun things that happened throughout the season. Emily got a medal for the most improved and for being skilled enough to ride downhill with only her front break. The reason she only had a front brake was because her back brake and wheel for that matter broke on the way up.  Unfortunately that ride was when the axle on her back wheel bent and totaled her bike. She got up and started laughing and was excited to get a medal. There was lots of pictures taken and fun time being together with everyone. 

The canning season continued into November because of pumpkin season. Tiffany tried some pumpkin butter from the store and she loved it so much that she told herself she was going to make some of her own. She saved about 5 or so pumpkins from the school pumpkins and also from our house. When all was said and done, it made quite a bit of pumpkin butter. It even tastes better than the store bought jam. 

Logan joined the school choir this year and has been having a blast learning new songs and getting up every Tuesday and Thursday at 7am to be to the school by 8am. His first concert was the Veteran's Day concert.  During this concert he sang a few patriotic songs like "American Tears," the National Anthem, and "God Bless America."

Colby has been working had for months getting ready for his school presentation on the country of Australia. 
He spent hours getting it prepared and he did a great job with his partner Talon White.  We also learned a lot about Australia and really want to go there someday.  Unfortunately it takes 19 hours by plane to get there and the plane ticket is quite expensive.  

 The snow started to fall this moth and the first fall was about a foot! 

The kids love to play in it. Brooklyn loves the snow and every time she sees her snow outfit she get excited to put it on and go outside. She even woke up one morning and was in her diaper and did not want to get normal clothes on first, she just wanted her snow clothes on. These two girls sure do love each other and love to hang out with each other. Charlotte is such a great big sister to Brooklyn.

Along with a trip to St. George for Thanksgiving, we have had a good month. 

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