Sunday, January 1, 2023

Welcome 2023

 It's 2023!  A new year and a new set of adventures.  I don't know what will happen this year but I hope it is all good things.  As for new resolutions for the new year, I have a few.  Most of them are the same as last year because I was not very good at doing them and I need another try.  On his social media account, President Nelson gave some good advice about goals and he compared it to fishing:

If you can't read this, President Nelson says that like fishing, in order for resolutions and real changes to be successful, we need three things; Patience, Persistence, and Prayer.  Anyone that has been fishing knows you have to be patient, it takes time, and persistent, it takes more time and snags, and saying a prayer always helps.  This is the same with goals.  If you expect immediate results you are often disappointed when things don't work out.  You also have to keep at it even when it is hard in order to see results.  Praying for help and strength will make you a better disciple of the Lord.  

This year I want to remember those things as I work on my goals.  I tend to want results immediately and I really need to work on my patience.  So my goals this year will be a continuation of last year.  For my spiritual goal, I want to get better at studying the scriptures specifically the New Testament.  I also want to attend the temple more often.  For my social goal, I would like to serve the people around me more often.  For an educational goal, I want to learn about family history.  This will also include working on my kids' photo books and getting them caught up.  My physical goal is one I am really worried about.  Today Russell and I signed up for the Spudman Olympic Triathlon.  I have never done a triathlon before in fact I don't even really know how to swim.  This will be a struggle for me this year and something that will test my patience and persistence.  I am sure I will be praying about it too.  So my physical goals this year are to learn how to swim, swim one mile, and complete an Olympic triathlon.  This triathlon is a one mile swim, 25 mile bike, and a 6.25 mile run.  I am not worried at all about the bike or run but the swim has really got me nervous.  Time to hit the pool I guess.   

I also want to be better at journaling especially working on this blog.  I tend to get so backed up on posts and writing about things that I am months behind when I finally get to it.  This causes me a lot of stress so I want to stay on top of it this year even if that means less posts or one long one each month.  I also want to get better at my personal journal.  My friend gave me a good tip about something she has done to get in the habit of journaling.  She bought a day planner that had a few lines on each day.  Then each night she wrote down one or two things that happened during the day filling those few lines.  She said that because it was only a small space she had to fill up, journaling did not seem like such a big thing.  Staring at a large blank page in a journal or diary was very intimidating to her and made writing anything hard but these four or five lines seemed much more doable.  I decided to give it a try and bought a planner this year.  So far I have written in it for a week and I don't know how entertaining it is but it is getting something down and getting the habit set for the year or years to come.  

One goal I have for Brooklyn this year is to get potty trained!  Once this happens, I will not have to change anymore diapers until I have grandkids!  Charlotte wants to learn how to play her Ukulele.  Logan wants to learn more trick in parkour.  Colby's goal is to get his room and the toy room cleaned out so that he can move downstairs to his own room.  Emily wants to join marching band and have fun with that this year.  One of Russell's goals is to also train for and complete the triathlon we signed up for.  His worry about this is the running portion.  He is worried about getting injured again like the last time he did a running race.  I told him 6 miles is easy to train for but the swim... that is another thing entirely!

Wish us luck in the new year.  We are looking forward to all of the fun we will have.  Hello 2023!

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