Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Morwood Family Reunion on Beaver Mt.

Over the Fourth of July, our family went camping on Beaver Mountain. It was the Morwood Reunion and is was great to see all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles. The weather was great and the scenery was beautiful. On July 4th, while part of the family was on a four-wheeler ride, the rest of us had a horseshoe tournament. That was really fun especially when Russell or I would get ringers. We are not the best horseshoe players but we had fun anyway. We won two out of four games. In between games we took a canoe ride on the lake. I don't know if Emily liked being on the water or not because she held so still while we were on the water and didn't make a sound usually she is moving around and acting crazy all the time. On July 5th, we had an Independence Day devotional. My cousin spoke about the importance of freedom and did a really good job. So we didn't have to unpack in the heat of the day, we stayed on the mountain until 7 pm but when we got to St. George at 10 pm it was still 95 degrees so we have to unpack in the heat anyway. Bummer. The 5th was also my birthday and I got to spend it doing the things I love: being with my family and camping.
Our family in our matching shirts
Dunking cookies in milk.

Emily loves her bike stroller. It is a lot of fun riding with her.

Riding in the canoe. Emily didn't know what to think about that.

Eating watermelon...

...and drinking the juice (Nice cup Russell!)

Emily loved the puppy but I don't know if the puppy loved Emily. (She kept trying to poke his eye out.)

Emily thought she was so big playing dolls with her cousins

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