Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me

Well I celebrated my 26th birthday this week. I didn't think 26 would be that hard of a year but it was for me. It didn't really hit me that I was that old until I saw it written on my cake. I guess I just realized that I am that much closer to 30 than I am 20. I can't believe it... Despite that depressing realization, I did have a good birthday.

We actually celebrated on the 4th instead. I was surprised to find a birthday cake waiting for me at my in-laws when we went over for our 4th of July barbecue. Russell had dropped it off on his way home from work before we went over. When I walked in the door, everyone started singing "Happy Birthday." I thought it was really cool. The cake was delicious. My favorite white with raspberry filling. YUM! After cake, we went and saw the fireworks the city lit especially for me! (Ok it was really for the 4th but I can pretend.)

While we were cutting the cake, Russell and Traci got a little carried away with the frosting:

They had frosting all over their faces and Traci had it in her hair too. The funny thing about it was that Traci had a date that night so she had to quickly wash her hair again before her date arrived. It was great. (If you are wondering why Russell is pretending to be a cowboy, don't worry, I was wondering the same thing! Stay tuned for a future post explaining his silly attire.)

On my actual birthday the 5th, I got to open my presents. Because Russell worked all day and I had my college class that night, we didn't get to celebrate until later at night. We had the best birthday dinner of pizza, cake and ice cream! Real healthy, I know, but it was my birthday! Russell got me some new rotary cutting blades and this great "Fun Food" magazine. I had literally been drooling over this magazine at the store and even took a few pictures of the recipes with my phone to try later. I guess this embarrassed Russell because he got it for me. I am excited to try every recipe in the book. It shows you how to make really cute cupcakes and cakes, as well as some actual food recipes. I love looking at all of the pictures.

Happy 26th birthday to me. I am officially on the down hill side of the hill and getting closer to 50 everyday. I guess that is life though so I'll deal with it. Thanks for all of the birthday wishes.


Amelia Brame said...

I know what you mean... I have a mid-life crisis at EVERY birthday kuz I feel like I'm just getting older and closer to 30... oh wait, I am. :)

The Nielson Bunch said...

Gosh, you are old!! ha!!! Gotta love Birthdays! Sounds like a great one.