Friday, December 30, 2011

Handmade Gifts

Russell and I made a few homemade gifts for Christmas this year. Now that Christmas is over and everyone has received their gifts, I can post them with out ruining the secrets.

First I put together this Christ Book for Clay's family. We had their name this year. This book goes through Christ's life and especially birth. It gives a scripture, summary, song and picture for each day until Christmas. I also made a book for our family to read.

I also put together this Proclamation to the Family floating frame. I made one for us and I also made one for Clay's family. One side has a family picture and the other side is the Family Proclamation. These frames were pretty easy to make and they look really elegant on the wall too.

We gave Colby these taggy toys. He likes to chew on stuff so we thought these would be good for him. He doesn't really play with them though unfortunately but they are still cute.
On of the funnest gifts to make this year was this Money Tree for Clint. When I asked him what he wanted for Christmas he said he wanted us to pay off his truck! I told him "Well all right!" We decided this money tree would be a fun gift and something he could actually use. We used $25 in ones to decorated the tree. I also got a screaming deal on the tree so it only cost $3. I found a lot of cool ways to fold the dollar bills so that I could make some ornaments for the tree and the rest of the money I just rolled up and attached with ribbons. When Clint opened the gift, he said "Well I don't know about the tree but I love the ornaments!"

Above are a few gifts we made for Emily. She is going into Sunbeams this year in Primary so we decided she needed her own scriptures and scripture case. She loves her new church bag and having her own scriptures. Russell and I also wrote our testimonies inside her Book of Mormon.

All Emily wanted for Christmas was a jump rope and a mermaid so I made her this cute mermaid doll. She turned out cute but is kind of small. Emily was excited to get her for Christmas.

Emily loves playing dress up and loves watching me put on make up. She even asks me if she can have some of my make up on. I put it on her every once in a while and she walks around so proud like she is the most beautiful thing in the world. I knew she would love this pretend make up I made her. She is constantly putting it on and even puts it on her friends too.

Finally, Russell made Emily these fun lacing boards. She is always watching me sew and asking if she can help so we thought these boards would help her learn to sew as well as help her motor skills. She loves playing with them and is getting really good at "sewing."
Above are some gifts we made for Colby. First the jingle bell bracelet. Colby loves anything that he can shake and make noise so he loves this little bracelet.

Colby has completely out grown the baby hooded towels, okay he had out grown them like 6 months ago! Any way he needed a new hooded towel so we made him one. I went to ask my mom how to make the hooded towel and she told me she would make it if I would do somethings for her on the Internet. I figured that was a good trade so she actually made Colby's towel. He absolutely loves it. He is so excited to be wrapped up in a towel after a bath and actually be wrapped up and warm! Sorry Colby we are bad parents...

Finally I made Colby this cute Eddie doll. Colby doesn't even care for it but I think he turned out cute. I think boys need a doll too so they can learn to me nurturing just like girls. Maybe someday Colby will play with it...
I made Chelsie and Cassie these cute bags. They are pretty big bags that can be used for a purse, an overnight bag, or you can even put your school books or a laptop inside. I hope they like them and use them.

Finally, I also made this duffel bag for Tyler. He is going in to high school next year and is going to be on the football, wrestling, and baseball teams. Russell and I decided he could use a duffel bag to put all of is practise clothes and shoes in or use it when he goes on bus trips to out of town games. We also had the Snow Canyon mascot and his name embroidered on the bag so that everyone would know it was his. I really like how it turned out and I hope Tyler likes it too.

Well as you can see we have been busy but Christmas was totally worth it. Now on to the New Year!

1 comment:

The Nielson Bunch said...

What cute gifts. I hope you don't mind, but I might steal some of your ideas and make me a few of them. Great job. I bet everyone loved them.