Monday, December 5, 2011

9 Months Old

Colby is now 9 months old! Can you believe that? He is growing up too fast. He sure is a fun baby though. Here are some fun pictures of him playing in all of the Fall leaves:

These pictures also show his many faces. First the smiley face which is the cutest and the one he uses most often. Second is the little smirk. This one is just funny but it is usually the one he uses when he is having an embarrassing moment (if you know what I mean!) And finally the serious ornery face. This face is also a common one he uses. If he is studying something to figure out what it is or if he sees a new person and they talk to him, he makes this face. Its like he is saying "Who are you and what do you want?" He also makes this face when he has just awaken from a nap and is still a little sleepy and doesn't want to play.

Colby is definitely a mover. He cannot crawl yet but boy can he roll and reach and scoot and do anything he can to get around. He can get to anywhere he wants to go so he is content with just rolling. I have tried to teach him to crawl and he can get into the crawling position by himself and rock back and forth but he can't seem to get his knees to move. Instead, he pushes himself backwards with his hands and goes in reverse. He loves playing toys and he especially loves wrapping paper! If I accidentally leave a roll of wrapping paper on the floor, he will rip it to shreds and laugh the whole time. So I think I will just give him some wrapping paper for Christmas! He also loves anything that makes noise. He likes to bang things together and listen to the loud sounds he makes. The other day he found a pie tin and was banging it on his hands and head! He would bang it on his head and then shake his head like "Oh that hurts!" Then he would do it again. Instead of taking the pie tin away like we probably should have, we just laughed at him!

Colby loves cookies and food. He gets excited when we put him in the high chair because he knows he is getting some kind of treat. We recently started giving him mashed up table food instead of baby food. We have a food grinder that makes mush out of anything so we have been just mashing up whatever we are having for dinner in that and giving it to him. He HATED it! In fact for the first week or so he would cry when we fed him which is very uncommon. I think he just hated the texture of the food because it was a little chunkier than he was used to. Finally though he has started getting used to the texture and is doing a lot better with the table food. He really likes mashed up fruit and my homemade applesauce and he seems to like vegetables okay but he is still not a fan of potatoes or anything with milk. He gets a little blotchy around the mouth when he eats dairy so I think he is a little allergic to it. It is nice to not have to buy baby food anymore but the table food does leave a bad surprise in the diapers...... Blah! Colby and I do have a silent agreement however. He usually waits until Russell comes home to have a really stinky one so then Dad gets to change it instead of me. Isn't that a great agreement!?

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