Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  What a great day to celebrate with the ones you love.  Since Logan is only 2 weeks old and we are still adjusting to having 3 little ones, we didn't plan anything real extravagant.  OK we didn't really plan anything. Ha Ha.
We did get a few cute pictures of the kids in their Valentine clothes.  We also did a few of our Valentine's Day traditions.  First, a couple days before Valentine's Day we had a blast making heart shaped cookies as a family.  I found a new sugar cookie recipe on Pinterest that claimed to be as good as the Grandma's Lofthouse Pink Cookies.  I had to try it out. 

Colby and Emily helped me roll out the dough so we could make the cookies.  They love using their rolling pins whenever they can.  After all of the cookies had cooked, Russell and Emily decorated all of the cookies with colorful sprinkles and conversation hearts.  The cookies all turned out really cute.  As for the claim to be as good as the Grandma cookies, well they were really good cookies but I don't think anything can compare to the goodness of Grandma cookies!  But the recipe is worth keeping and I will most likely use it again for Colby's birthday.  We delivered our cookies to our family on the 13th.  We delivered them a day early because we always seem to run out of time on the actual day and then we never get the cookies delivered so we end up with a ton of cookies left over.

Then on Valentine's Day, Russell made us our traditional heart-shaped pancakes and eggs.  They were very good!  We also made some fun Valentines for Emily to give out to all of her friends in her pre-school and primary classes.
We used tootsie pops to make butterfly Valentine's for the girls and Superhero Valentine's for the boys.  They tuned out really cute.  We had some left over so Colby gave one to Emily and Emily gave one to Colby.  They loved getting Valentine's from each other.  Later that day, we went for a walk around the neighborhood to deliver Emily's Valentine's to her friends.  This was  the first time Logan and I had really been out of the house except for doctors appointments or to go to my parents' house.  It was so nice to get out and walk again!
That night, my mom and dad and the Hughes' came over to deliver Valentine's to us.  Emily loved having Grandma read her a princess story while they rocked Logan to sleep.  Thanks for all of the yummy Valentine's and happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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