Friday, September 27, 2013

Starlight Express

Russell and I finally had a date night!!!  Yes just the two of us!  Russell was able to get tickets to Starlight Express at Tuachan for $2 so we jumped on the opportunity to go.  We were originally supposed to go on September 7 which was when these pictures were taken:

Don't we look so cool!  Like I said we were supposed to see the show on Sept 7 but when we got there, the sky was really dark.  As soon as the actors sang the first song, it started pouring rain!  Yeah September was kind of a rainy month for St. George this year.  It rained just about every day for the first two weeks of the month.  Anyway, they postponed the show for about 20 minutes to see if the rain would stop.  By the time the 20 minutes were up it was pouring even more.  So the show got cancelled.  We were kind of bummed but we still had a babysitter so we took advantage of that and went out for frozen yogurt at Menchies and dinner at Irmita's.  Both were very good.

So we scheduled round two for Starlight Express for Sept 26.  When we left for the show, the sky was dark again so we were worried it would be another rain out.  We were in luck though and the show went on.  I thought Starlight Express was good.  It is a story about toy train sets that comes alive and race to see which set is the best.  I don't want to give away the story but of course the old steam engine wins because the diesel and electric trains were too cocky.  Oh yeah and he gets the girl!  The cool thing about the show was that all of the actors were on roller skates and the race track extended into the audience so the "trains" were actually racing through the audience.  It did start sprinkling close to intermission so the show was paused so the crew could dry off the stage and track so that the skating actors wouldn't slip.  We enjoyed the show.

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