Thursday, October 3, 2013

8 Months

Logan is eight months old and quite a handful!  He is a funny little boy.

Logan loves sitting in his highchair because it means he gets a treat!  He loves eating solid foods especially cookies and crackers.  We have also given him pancakes too.  In these pictures, he is eating blue Jello.  He loved it and needless to say, he was a big blue mess afterward. 

He is such a cutie!  Logan likes to play Pat-a-Cake.  He is always clapping and then when I say "Toss it!" he raises his arms way up into the air over his head and smiles so big.  He also will roll his arms too during the song. Logan also loves getting his picture taken.  Whenever I bring out the camera, he smiles or laughs so big.  This is so nice when trying to get a good picture.

Logan also likes to play with his brother.  These two boys are early risers.  For some reason, Logan and Colby go to sleep in their own beds but by morning they have both moved into our bed.  So when they wake up in the morning they are laying by each other and they just start playing and talking to each other.  If Logan wakes up first and he sees Colby, he will start squawking and hitting Colby on the belly to try and wake him up.  Then when they are both awake, they laugh and wrestle.  Sometimes Colby is a little to hard at wrestling and I have to pull them apart.  Logan is going to be a pretty tough boy when he gets bigger because he has to deal with Colby all the time.

Logan is starting to scoot around on the ground now.  He still prefers to roll but he is starting to army crawl to get to things too.  For the most part though he still stays put where I set him down which is a really nice thing.  Cole is crawling everywhere so when I watch him, I have to make sure everything is put away or he will get into it.  Cole just reminds me of what I have to look forward to with Logan.  Logan's new favorite game is rolling the ball.  He absolutely loves playing ball.  He gets really excited when he even sees a ball and will army crawl right to it.  Logan is so happy to have someone roll the ball into his lap and then he will grab the ball and throw it back to the other person and squawk until they roll it back to him and then it repeats.  He could play forever.  I think Logan is going to be a basketball player because he can already palm his bouncy balls.  

Logan is like Emily was when she was a baby.  Whenever Logan gets excited or sees something he wants, his whole body shakes and his hands and feet go crazy wiggling.  Emily used to do that too.  Logan is also very friendly.  At church he will wave and say "Hi!" to all of the people he sees.  His "hi" is really just the "H" sound but we all know what he means because he is waving too.  When he waves, his chubby little hand opens and closes so fast.  It is so cute to watch.  All of the people setting behind us are too distracted by Logan's cuteness to even pay attention to the talks!  

Logan is still a "Mamma's Boy" and still will not sleep through the night without being held but we love him anyway!!
And not to be left out, Colby wanted his picture taken too.  Colby has never been a camera fan.  He usually hides when the camera comes out or refuses to look at me and he absolutely refuses to smile.  Lately, however, he has been asking me to take his picture!  I still have to remind him to smile but he always gives me a cute smile when I do.  What a  silly boy.  Colby can now spell his name and recognize his name when he sees it written.  I have tried to teach him to write his name but he still refuses and tells me he doesn't know how or it is too hard.  Oh well he is only two.
And here is a funny picture of Emily.  She is showing off her bling teeth or her new silver crowns.  Despite how often or well we brush her teeth, Emily has cavities.  Emily's dentist is awesome and very encouraging but I still feel like a terrible parent every time we go to the dentist because she has cavities.  Her dentist just said that some kids have a lot of cavities and some don't.  Well she started getting cavities in her molars and that is when the dentist recommended these silver crowns.  So Emily has two silver crowns on the left side of her mouth and has to go back again and get one more on the right side.  When she was in getting the crowns, we were kind of worried how she would do because she absolutely refused to have the gas mask on.  (I was actually kind of glad she didn't want the gas because I didn't want them to use it on her either.)  So the dentist said "OK lets not use the gas."  He was really awesome with her and made her feel at ease.  He suggested we just treat her like the big girl she is and just numb the area and just act very calm like it is no big deal and then just see how she does.  So that is what we did.  The hygienist turned on Tangled so Emily could watch it while they worked and Emily did great!  The whole process of numbing, drilling, and placing the two crowns took about an hour.  By the end, Emily had started to get restless so the dentist recommended we do the other side on another visit.  The dentist and hygienist were so amazed at how good Emily did for only being 5!  They were also so amazed at how still she held while they were working.  They told me that normally they have to put kids this age under anesthesia to do this work.  I was so glad it went smoothly and that it was a good experience for Emily.  She still says she loves going to the dentist but she likes it when they just clean her teeth better!  

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