Friday, November 8, 2013

9 Months

Logan is now nine months old.  He is the cutest baby ever.  

See, I told you!  Logan weighs 19 lbs 13 oz (53 percentile) and is 29 inches tall (66 percentile).  The doctor says he is just right for his age.  We think he is exceptional!  Logan is a very happy baby.  I love his two-toothed grin:

Logan is especially happy when he is being held.  He has started to like being on the ground more often now so he has started to scoot around a lot faster.
He still doesn't crawl but he can army crawl pretty quickly.  He gets around to wherever he wants that way.  He has started to get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth so he will be crawling soon enough.  He has also discovered the cupboards.  He especially loves playing in the drawer under the stove.  He opens that and takes out all of the cake pans and pan lids then laughs at me with I tell him "No!"  

Logan loves his brother and Colby loves Logan.  Even though Colby is a little rough with Logan, they are still friends.  Logan likes to laugh at Emily and Colby.

Logan still refuses to sleep unless he is being held, which sometimes leads to long days and even longer nights.  We are holding out hope that this will change though.  Sometimes Russell and I wonder why we even set up the crib because he doesn't sleep in it anyway.

Logan is starting to be quite chatty too.  He can say mama, dada, diddy (piggies), and uh-oh as well as some other sounds we haven't translated yet.  His favorite thing to do is drop his toys and say uh-oh  then he laughs when you pick it up for him. He is a funny boy.

Logan loves eating treats too.  He will sit in his highchair all day and eat snacks if I let him.  We have started giving him table food lately.  We usually just mush up the food we have for dinner and give it to him.  He has done pretty good with everything so far except milk products.  I am afraid he will be allergic to milk like Colby is.  Hopefully he will grow out of that.  Colby is starting to do better with milk now so there may be hope for Logan.

We cleaned up our garden for the winter and took all of the tomatoes off on the vines before throwing them out.  Logan got hold of the tomatoes and went to town eating them even the green ones!  Yummy!

Also, speaking of our garden, this is our one and only watermelon that grew this year.  We didn't even plant a watermelon this year but one grew anyway!  Probably from a leftover seed from last year.  This watermelon was the best tasting, most juicy watermelon Russell and I had ever tasted!!! It was so good.  Home grown food is definitely better than store bought.

Well we love having Logan in our family and we definitely would not be complete without him.  Happy 3/4 birthday, Logan!

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