Sunday, July 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Russell

We celebrated Russell's 31st birthday this year.  The kids had fun making cards for him.  Unfortunately we didn't do anything real exciting because Russell had a PHTLS certification class all day and then our ward Pine Valley picnic that night.  During the hour we were all home though we did have cake and ice cream!

The kids had a lot of fun helping me make this "camouflage" cake for Dad.  They all thought I was the coolest mom ever!  Russell was quite impressed too.  I had seen these camouflage cake mixes at the store and was finally going to break down and send the extra money to buy one until I read the instructions for how to make it.  The directions were so easy I put the mix back and got a dollar mix and made my own camouflage (or in this case rainbow) cake.  Anyway Emily and Colby loved helping me mix the colors and Logan loved tasting the cake batter saying "Thas goo!" (That's good!)  

After spoiling our dinner by eating cake first, we headed up to Pine Valley for our ward picnic/dinner.  The night was so fun.  I love our ward and it is so nice because we finally feel like we know everyone in our ward.  We have never felt this way in the other wards we have been in.  At the picnic, the Bishop Olsen announced that it was Russell's birthday and the whole ward sang "Happy Birthday" to him.  It was so funny.

So Russell was kind of bummed today though.  Not because of lack of celebration but because he missed a huge structure fire!  So during the middle of his PHTLS class his fire pager went crazy calling all available units to a trailer park in town.  Russell was a little antsy so he asked Shanna (the instructor) is he could go.  She said "Sure but you won't get your cert."  Knowing how much money we were saving by getting this class for free and also knowing this cert was essential for his job he decided to stay.  All the while banging his head on the desk wishing he was at the fire.  More pages went out for more manpower and still more head banging from Russell.  By the time the class was out and the certification was earned, Russell raced to the fire only to find it all ready out and the clean up crews cleaning.  Russell was so mad.  This fire was huge it took five mobile homes but luckily no one was hurt.  So needless to say, fighting this fire would have made a great birthday present but he missed it so he was sad.  Sorry Russell maybe next time...  In all though I hope he had a good birthday.

Happy 31st Birthday, Daddy!

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