Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summer Fun with Friends

This summer we have been having so much fun with our neighborhood and ward friends.  A newer lady in the ward, McCall Carson, came up with a great suggestion at the beginning of the summer.  She said that they used to do this in her old ward in Las Vegas.  During the summer, the moms would plan fun little play date/activities for their kids and the neighborhood kids to do and they would each take an activity to be in charge of and just let everyone know when it was.  Well at the beginning of June, we all got calenders of the fun activities that were planned.  We have absolutely loved going to these fun activities.  There have been park days, hikes, water balloons and Popsicles, pancakes and pajama parties, trips to the fire station, library days, and more.  It has been so fun.  

One activity the kids really liked was seeing the baby chicks at the Lay's house.

Jason and Hanna Lay and their cute boys Braxton and Easton, have chickens in there back yard that give them eggs.  Well they ordered some more eggs to hatch and they finally hatched.  They invited all the kids (and parents) over to see their baby chicks.  They taught us how the chick develop in the eggs, how they incubate the eggs so they will grow and ultimately hatch and they they showed us how their chickens have sort of adopted these new babies as their own.  We were able to hold and pet the baby chicks too.  The kids loved it and still talk about holding and seeing the baby chicks at Braxton's house.  

Another fun activity was this week.  It was a water party at Sister Gough's house.  Russell took the kids to this while I was at work and they all had a great time splashing in the pool and spraying everyone with the water blasters.

Colby told me a funny story about the water party when I got home.  He told me that he sprayed Sister Gough with the water gun and then ran away really super fast when she tried to get him.  It was so funny I could just see him doing something like that to her and then laughing as he ran away.

Sister Gough is a lady about my mom's age so she doesn't have any kids at home but she is one of those cool ladies that wants to be involved and you love having around.  She is my Sunbeam teacher and she loves little kids.  She kept seeing all of the pictures of our summer activities we posted on Facebook and she said we were having too much fun without her and she wanted to come too.  We told her to come along.  So she found a day that her grandkids would be at her house and invited all of the neighborhood kids to join them for this water party.  Ask any of the kids and they will tell you how fun this party was.

We have had fun playing with friends this summer.  We still have a few more weeks of summer before school starts so we are trying to cram in as much fun as we can before then.

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