Monday, November 6, 2017

Final Surgery... Cancer Journey Part 13

On Friday, November 3rd, I had my (hopefully) final surgery because of this cancer stuff.  This was my breast reconstruction surgery.  It is crazy how my mindset has changed over the last 6-7 months.  When I went in for my first surgery, the mastectomy, I was a nervous wreck.  I was in tears and just shaking in the days leading up to the surgery.  This surgery however, I was not that way.  I was actually looking forward to it.  Don't get me wrong, I was a little nervous because, let's face it, surgeries are nerve racking!  There is always that unknown.  But I was not the nervous wreck I was before.  I knew I was in good hands with Dr. Isom and I trusted he would do the right things.  I was looking forward to this surgery though because it meant an ending to this crazy time in my life.  I was finished with chemo, I did not need radiation, and now finally I was completing the plastic reconstruction and on my way back to a semi-normal life. Isn't that exciting!

Before the surgery I was taken to the post-op room where I was prepped for the surgery by getting an IV placed and meeting with the doctors and anesthesiologist. While we waited to be taken to surgery Russell and I had fun taking some pictures: 

Yeah about the nurse call button, boo about the IV!  Finally it was time to be wheeled into the Operating Room.  While I was lying on the Operating table the nurse were talking to me about St. George.  She also told me she was the nurse that helped with my first surgery.  I don't remember anything after that because that's when I went to sleep.  The strange thing about this surgery was that I had dreams while I was out.  I can't remember now what they were about but I remember having them.  Weird...

During the surgery, Dr. Isom removed the tissue expanders and replaced them with the actual silicone implants which are more permanent.  Also while he was at it, he had to do some fat graphing to fill in some spaces and make the implants look more natural.  In order to do this, I had liposuction or fat harvested from my stomach and waist.  This fat was then moved to the breast area.  Now this sounds like the perfect plan right?  Well let me tell you, it is not all it is cracked up to be!  I do not recommend it unless you want to be sore for weeks. More on that later.  

Also during the surgery, Dr. Anderson came in and removed my port.  I was really happy to have this out.  The port was good for what it was used for but it was also kind of annoying and painful when it got bumped by Charlotte or something else.  I was glad to be rid of it.

After what seemed like two minutes (but really it was 4-5 hours), I woke up and everything was done.  Russell met me in the post-op room.  I was really tired and sore but good.  I was able to rest and recover for a couple hours before we started preparing to go home.  This surgery was just a same day surgery so I was able to go home that night.  
As I was getting dressed to go home, I was so sore.  All of my stomach muscles just ached.  It was hard to get dressed so Russell had to help.  I felt like I had just had a baby. I staggered to the wheelchair and Russell and I were able to go home.  I did feel much better after this surgery than the last though.  I was glad to be home and sleep in my own bed.  Coming off anesthesia is really weird.  I felt like everything was so heavy all night long.  Even my tongue felt huge in my mouth.  After getting some sleep though I felt better in the morning.  

The recovery from this surgery was much better than my first surgery.  I could move my arms and everything this time.  The worst part of this surgery was the soreness associated with the liposuction area.  I felt like I had been beat up.  To help with swelling, I had to wear a girdle around my stomach and waist where the fat was harvested.  Because of this, I could not move very well or fast.  

On Monday, I had a follow up appointment with Dr. Isom.  He asked me how I was feeling and I told him I was feeling fine except for the liposuction area.  I told him I thought we were friends but now after seeing all of the bruises and feeling like I have been beat up, I was not so sure.  He laughed and said he was sorry.  After he removed all of the bandages, he said everything looked great.  In my head I was thinking, "Everything looks great?  I look like a huge bruise!"  I had bruises in every part of my body.  Even places I didn't know could bruise!  They told me the bruising and soreness would go away over time and I should feel better in a couple of weeks.  In the meantime I needed to wear the girdle 24 hours a day for six weeks.  Then for half of the day for another 2-3 weeks.  This would help with the shaping and swelling of the liposuctioned area.  As for the breast implants, everything felt pretty good.  The incisions and stitches were healing nicely and the scars should be minimal.  I was really pleased with the outcome of the surgery and how everything looked (minus the bruising that will go away).  

I am continuing to recovery from the surgery and I cannot lift anything for at least three weeks but I am feeling a little better each day.  I am grateful my parents have been able to be here and help us out.  Russell's parents also came and helped out one weekend while Russell was at work.  My stomach muscles are still pretty hammered but hopefully will get better soon.  

I am glad to be done with this surgery and on the road to recovery from this and cancer.  I never imagined this would be in my future.  I never imagined myself having plastic surgery, liposuction, and getting breast implants.  But here I am fake boobs and all. I am glad however to be healed from cancer and on the road to recovery.  Now if only my hair will grow back...

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