Tuesday, January 14, 2020

January Accomplishments

January has been full of accomplishments for us.  Emily has been really working hard on her goals.  Over the last few months she has been taking a NOVA class through school.  This program is similar to the DARE program we did as kids.  NOVA stands for Nurturing, Opportunity, Value, and Accountability.  She learned a lot about staying drug free, being confident, choosing good friends and developing good habits.  This month she graduated from this program and received her certificate.

During the program, Officer Butler, the teacher of this class, was very impressed with Emily.  He liked how she helped the class, did all of her assignments, and was a good example to others.  Because of this, she was awarded a NOVA coin to keep.  Only about seven kids were given these special coins so she was pretty excited! Good job, Emily!

Another exciting thing for Emily this month was receiving her Canyon Colt award for the year.  She received this award for being excellent in the 7 Habits.

This is always a fun award to earn during the school year because it means that the kids get to run in the halls of the school during the Colt Stampede.  This is always a highlight of Super Spirit Friday!

During January I signed up for another race.  This time it is a 30K trail run.  I am kind of nervous about this because I don't usually run on trails and it is going to be 20 miles!  The one thing I am worrying about though is if I can train properly during the winter.  For this reason, I have get creative on when I run and how long.  I really take advantage of the better weather days and try to do my long runs then. 

No matter what though, there is always snow!  So I have gotten used to running in the cold weather and thankfully my lungs are used to the cold air too.  There are some pretty sites up the canyon, though, even in the winter.

Another accomplishment I was able to do was make a t-shirt quilt!  
This was one of my New Year Resolutions so I was excited to figure it out.  I have had all of these Pine View t-shirts since high school and I finally put them to use in this quilt.  I was glad to get the top put together and I really like how it has turned out so far.  Now I just need to get it quilted and bound.

Clint and Haley also accomplished couples yoga poses... And we all laughed at them as they tried...

Finally, Emily is now in Young Womens!!  I can't believe it!  With the new age changes, she gets to go to Young Women even though she is only 11.  For her first Young Women activity, they learned to decorate cakes.  This is her cake which turned out pretty good!  Another cool thing is that even though she is one of the youngest Young Women, she was called to be the president of the younger class.  This is a big responsibility but one I think she will be great at.

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