Thursday, February 27, 2020

February Fun

It is still winter here in Cache Valley.  We are continuing to enjoy the snow and the cold weather.  

I am training for a 30K so I am continuing my training despite the cold.  I needed to do an 18 mile run this week so I decided to run up to Hardware Ranch.  Yes, this was all uphill but luckily it was a slow grade and I took my time.  When I got up to Hardware, I saw this huge heard of elk.
There were elk everywhere!  It really made the run exciting to see all of the wildlife.  Russell and Charlotte met me at the top and drove me home.  They were excited to see the elk as well. 

Over President's Weekend we took advantage of the kids being out of school and took them to Logan Canyon to a place called "The Sinks."

This was an amazing area to go sledding.  The hills were so steep and big it seemed like you were falling forever whenever you went down them.  We also went so fast we thought we were going to crash and die!

No matter how scared we were to go down, we just kept going.  The bad part of the hills was coming back up to the top.  Because the hills were so big, it took a lot of energy and effort to get back up.  It was totally worth it though!

Even though winter is my least favorite season, there are some fun things to do during the winter!

 Another fun thing we did this month was make bread.
Charlotte loved helping with kneading the bread.  She also liked watching the bread rise and get bigger.  Mostly our favorite part was eating the bread!

This month during the Canyon Colt recognition assembly, Logan was recognized.

Logan was so excited to be recognized in this assembly for being a great student and for using the 7 Habits.  His teacher gave him the award for being one of a kind.  She said he is such a happy kid, a hard worker, and always gets his work done.  Good job Logan.

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