Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

This year our Easter celebrations were spent at home.  Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, all of the annual Easter egg hunts and things with the city were cancelled.  Basically everything is getting cancelled.  We thought about going to St. George to be with family but in the end we decided to stay home. Russell worked Friday anyway so we wouldn't have been able to leave until Saturday to just come home on Sunday.  So we stayed home and had our own fun.

First we decorated Easter eggs.  These eggs were probably the most expensive eggs we have ever bought.  Thanks to Corona virus, everything is scarce and expensive.

Well it didn't matter because we had to have eggs to decorate! And they turned out so cool!  This is one of our favorite traditions.

Next we made Easter cookies.
These cookies were fun to make.  The kids had a great time decorating them with icing and sprinkles.  We took a couple of plates to our neighbors to wish them a Happy Easter.  

Brother Kapp loves our sugar cookies so he told Russell he would trade him a bag of fertilizer for the grass for some of my cookies.  We thought that was an excellent trade but we did give him some money too.  We also made bird nests for our peeps.  

On Easter Saturday, we had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard for the kids.

They loved searching for the eggs in all of the nooks and crannies in the yard.  Charlotte went straight for the eggs on the trampoline.  Logan got all of them on the grass. Colby looked in all of the hard to find places. Emily, being the tallest, got all of the eggs in the trees and play set.

They were pretty much spoiled with candy.  They each filled their bunny baskets with eggs and candy.  

After the hunt, we decided to go for a bike ride, hike, and picnic. Ever since moving here, we have wanted to hike to the MC on the hill near our house.  This was the perfect day to do it.

We rode our bikes up to the base of the mountain and then it was too steep to continue on our bikes.  From there we hiked the rest of the way.

Finally we made it to the MC! From this point, we could see everything.  We could see the whole city of Hyrum.  We could see all of Cache Valley and the whole world!  It was awesome.

While we were on top of the world, we had a picnic lunch.  This was an excellent idea and a great way to social distance.  We were definitely six feet away from everyone.  
Not only was this a great way to spend time as a family and make memories, but we also got to appreciate the beauty of the earth and the blessings we are given.  Easter is the time we reflect on the life, teachings, and atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ.  We are definitely blessed for all He did for us.  Without Him, we would not be able to return to live with our Heavenly Father. And without Him, we could not be together forever as a family.  These are great blessings and I am glad that I can repent and change and be better each day because of Jesus Christ.

Happy Easter!

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