Monday, May 10, 2021

One Month Old

It has been one month since Brooklyn completed our family.  She is the happiest baby and is even starting to smile real smiles more often!

Just look at that cute face!  She is getting so big!  This dress was one that I wore when I was a baby.  

This month has also been full of fun new adventures for Brooklyn.  First she got to pretend to have a sleepover with her big sister:

Then she got to meet her Great Grandma Maxwell.  Grandma Maxwell was in heaven holding Brooklyn.  She has not had a lot of energy and strength lately so for us to go and visit her with Brooklyn just made her day.

Brooklyn still loves being held and fed by everyone but especially her big brothers and sisters.  They love it as well and actually fight over who can hold her and feed her next.

Grandpa Morwood even decided she was big enough to hold now.  She loved being held but Grandpa and even tried to coo at him.  

One major milestone this month was her first real bath!  Her umbilical cord finally fell off a few days ago so we could finally give her a bath.  She... umm... hated it...

But she absolutely loved being wrapped up in her towel!  Well, we will keep trying, eventually I am sure she will start to like baths.  The other kids do, in fact we have to yell at them to get out of the shower now days.

Charlotte is a great big sister and loves doing everything with her Baby Ruth that we do with Brooklyn.  Including wrapping her baby in a tight blanket and feeding her a bottle at bed time.

Brooklyn is a funny girl.  If you hold her in the rocking chair, she will sleep all day long.  As soon as you try and lay her down, she wakes right up.  Sometimes it is a little frustrating but most of the time I just like to sit and rock her.  What's wrong with that?  Nothing!  When I took this picture, Brooklyn literally slept all day long only waking up every few hours for a bottle and then back to sleep.  I guess I should have put her down but look how cute and peacefully she looks.

Other days though she likes to lay and stretch out.

This is a fun little onesie the Fire Department gave Russell when Brooklyn was born.  Now she has an official Fire Department uniform.  
I just love this cute face!  
I loved this quote when I read it and it totally applies to Brooklyn. "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." - Winnie the Pooh. 

Happy One Month Cute Baby!

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