Sunday, May 9, 2021

Brooklyn's Blessing

Brooklyn's baby blessing was held on May 9, 2021. This was a nice day to do it because it was also Mother's Day.  
She was so beautiful in her dress and so alert.  It was nice to be joined with family and friends for this special day.

I think this picture might be our first (good) family photo with Brooklyn. Too bad she was screaming because she was cold and hungry.

Both grandparents were able to come up and see Brooklyn.  This was her first time meeting Grandma and Grandpa Farnsworth.  She was in heaven all weekend because I don't think she ever got put down.  She was held all the time.

During the blessing, Russell did an amazing job on the blessing.  I keep telling myself to take notes or do something to remember the things he said in the blessing but I always forget.  I guess that is not the important part, the important part is how the Spirit touches you during the blessing.  The Spirit was very strong today.  I am so grateful for Russell and his worthiness to hold and exercise the priesthood.  
Also during the blessing, Brooklyn was wide awake just looking around at all of the guys in the circle.  They all commented on how they have never seen a baby so alert and so aware of what's going on in their blessing.  It was as if she could tell this was a special experience and she wanted to be awake for it.

We were so happy for the family members that were able to attend the blessing with us.  The Stewart's came up as well as Tyler and Ashley.  Everyone else had the opportunity to watch it on our ward's Zoom meeting.
We are also grateful for these great guys that stood in the circle.  

After church, we had a luncheon with everyone.  We went really easy and did sub sandwiches and salads.  It was perfect but we had a ton of food left over, which is not necessarily a bad thing. 

The kids had a great time playing with their cousins and were so excited to see their grandparents too.  I am glad that Covid restrictions are starting to lift so that we can see people again.  

During church, Brooklyn made this face while she was sleeping.  It was like she was contemplating all that was happening this day:

Emily and Brooklyn are great friends.  Emily is an awesome helper with Brooklyn.  It is like she has two moms.  What a lucky girl.  

Congratulations on your special blessing day pretty girl! And Happy Mother's Day!

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