Friday, June 25, 2021

Summer Fun

Summer is in full swing now and the kids love being able to sleep in and not go to school.  We kicked off the summer with the annual Hyrum Hot Rods Car Show.  This is one event we love to attend each year. Each of us drool over all of the awesome cars and then pick our favorites to pose with for a memory.

There were so many nice looking cars this year. It was hard to chose just one favorite but we finally made the unanimous decision that the 2021 Chevy Corvette was the winner!  Just look at that thing!  (Drooling...)  There were so many bells and whistles that I am sure it could drive itself.  More than that though, it looks awesome! 

With the temperatures rising, the boys decided it would be fun to make a solar oven.  I didn't know how to make one so Colby got on the Internet and Googled it!  He found a YouTube video that told him how to make the oven and he and Logan went to work.

All they needed was a couple pizza boxes, tin foil and black paper.  They decided to cook smores in their ovens.  We put the ovens on the trampoline for maximum heat and then waited for a few hours.  I don't really know what we expected to happen but all it did was melt the chocolate. Some of the marshmallows had started to melt too.  So we tried the smores and yes they were good and gooey from the melted chocolate.  The boys decided they needed to make some tweaks in the design if they were really going to be able to cook anything like a hot dog or pizza.  We will definitely have to try again later.

Emily and her friend, Ayzleigh, put together a service project to plant trees at the Elementary school.  In fifth grade, they sold crafts to raise money for the school gardens.  They made over $200 in their sale.  Then Covid hit and they were not able to use the money as they had planned.  Well the $200 was still just sitting there not being used so the girls decided that instead of fixing the school gardens that never get used, they would plant some trees to benefit the whole school.  They were able to buy one tree with their money but it started the wheel rolling for more trees to follow.

After they had planted the one tree, the principal was so happy.  Russell told her that there was a good deal going on right now on trees and he could get 6 more trees to finish the driveway for about $1,000.  Mrs. Williamson said that because the school fundraiser went so well, they had money in the budget to get those trees.  Emily, Ayzleigh and Russell then organised a tree planting party and invited families from the school and community to come and help.  They were able to get about 6 families to come and plant.  They had all six trees planted in about an hour. 

Everyone that came and helped said they had a great time. They also commented that it was a great opportunity to teach their kids how to work and serve in a good cause.  Emily and Ayzleigh were recognized as getting the ball rolling on this much needed project.  The trees look great along the driveway and playground.  They will provide much needed shade for years to come.  When the trees were first planted, Russell worried that they would not make it.  The trees were really shocked from not having water for a few days.  Russell and Clayton, the custodian, really babied them along with lots of water and care.  Finally, after a few weeks, they started coming out of the shock and are now doing really well.  We were so happy they all lived.  This was a good project for the girls to be involved in.  I am glad everything worked out.

This year our strawberry plants have really taken off and produced a lot of strawberries.  We were worried they wouldn't produce anything because the dog kept digging at them all winter.  It turned out though that she was pruning them just right because we ended up with our best crop ever.

After combining all of our strawberries with some of our neighbor's, I was able to make about 7 and a half pints of strawberry jam.  It is so tasty!  This was not the end of the strawberries though so I also dehydrated a bunch of them, and we ate a lot too!

Another fun thing to do in June in Hyrum is check out the rodeo animals when they come to town for the Star Spangled Rodeo.

The kids like seeing the big bulls.  These guys were huge.  I would not want to be on the back of one of those when they let them out of the chute.  The rodeo is always a good time. 

Well, there is our first installment of summer fun.  Stay tuned for more.

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