Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Two Months Old

Two months already!  Brooklyn just keeps growing up too fast.  She is such a smiley happy baby.

She loves seeing her big brothers and sisters.  They are very entertaining but sometimes a little too overwhelming.  Over this month, we have increased her bottles to 3 ounces every 3 hours.  She was a little cranky but then once we started giving her 3 ounces, she was a much happier baby.  Its amazing how you feel when your belly is full. 

Brooklyn was able to meet some new people this month including Aunt JeanMarie:

The kids still love holding her and loving on her.  She is such a chill baby that she does not care who is holding her or how bumpy they are when holding her.  Sometimes I worry she is getting shaken baby syndrome from the kids holding her but she seems to be just fine smiling at them the whole time.

And of course we are all lacking sleep so we like to take little naps with her sometimes too:

Here is a fun picture of Charlotte.  We are loving the warmer weather and being outside.

Brooklyn is a great sleeper at night!  She has actually started to sleep through the night!  This is a miracle because none of the other kids ever slept through the night until they were a year old.  I don't want to jinx it but it is awesome!

Also this month, I had a tubal ligation.  This was a pretty easy surgery and I was in and out in a few hours.  So Brooklyn will for sure be our last baby and I am okay with that.  For the first time, I really felt like this was the end.  I didn't have any uneasy feelings about this decision.  It also felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.  So we are definitely enjoying every baby moment we can with this little one!
We love you cute girl.  Keep on smiling and don't grow up too fast.

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