Thursday, September 9, 2021

5 months

Five months old already and she has us wrapped around her finger!  Brooklyn is the cutest, most happy baby ever.  There is not a time that she is not smiling unless she is being bugged by her siblings.  We love this cute girl:
Tyler and Ashley gave Brooklyn this cute mustard colored dress and it perfectly matched the sunflowers that are in bloom everywhere right now.  We had to take her 5 months pictures with the sunflowers.  They turned out great.

This month has been one for milestones in Brooklyn's life.  First she learned to roll over from her back to her belly.  Unfortunately, she hates being on her belly and hasn't quite got the hang of rolling back over to her back.  So she usually rolls over and then cries until we put her back on her back.

Next she learned to sit up on her own.  This is so nice because she has started playing with toys and entertaining herself for a minute.  I can't believe how big she is getting.

Like I said before, Brooklyn is a happy baby.  I love her smiles and laughs.

And I told you she was the cutest right?!  Look at those chubby cheeks!

One of Brooklyn's favorite parts of the day is bath time.  She loves splashing in the water and eating the wash rag.

Swinging in the swing is also fun.  The funny thing is that Brooklyn with rock back and forth and swing herself better than the swing can do it mechanically.  

Another milestone this month was trying out solid food.  Her first experience with rice cereal was, well, not her favorite.

She was not quite sure about what was going in her mouth.  She gagged, spit, and shuddered the whole time.  It was pretty funny.  I am sure it will get better with time and practice.

One solid food she does like though is apples!

She loved chewing, sucking, and gnawing on that apple slice.  She would get frustrated though because it kept slipping out of her hands.  This was definitely a treat for her to try out and it was a hit.  Luckily she doesn't have any teeth yet or that would be a different story.

One fun experience Brooklyn had this month was meeting two of her cousins, Mavis and Fynlee.  While we were in St. George for Labor Day, we got to see both babies for the first time.

Here she is with Mavis.  I could not believe how much bigger Brooklyn was compared to Mavis.  Granted Mavis was a preemie baby and only weigh about 7 pound in this picture and Brooklyn was a big 5 month old chunk.  They were both so cute together even though they didn't really know what was going on.
Here she is with Fynlee.  Both babies did not want their picture taken.  They especially did not want to be held by anyone but their moms even if it was their grandmas holding them.  While Fynlee and Brooklyn were closer to the same size, two months age difference in babies really does make a difference.  Brooklyn is much more mobile than Fynlee at this point in time.  I am sure she will catch up soon though.
Happy 5 Months Brookie.  We love that you are in our family!

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