Saturday, October 9, 2021

6 Months

 Brooklyn is already 6 months old!  Look how cute she is!

Brooklyn is such a joy to have in our family.  She is constantly doted on by her brothers and sisters.  It is fun to see her personality develop as she interacts with them.

Brooklyn likes to make funny faces at everyone.  She as grown so much in the last 6 months too.  She is now 17 lb 3 oz  and 25 inches tall.  She has outgrown her infant towels so now she gets a big fluffy towel to wrap up in after her baths.  She loves it.
This picture with Great-Grandma Maxwell really shows her cute chunkiness.  We just love squishing her cheeks and thighs.  

The other day Emily put up the baby swing outside and took Brooklyn out there to swing.

Brooklyn thought this was the best thing ever.  She loves being outside and loves seeing the dog too.

We have been introducing a lot of different baby foods recently.  It is so funny to see her reactions to the different flavors and textures.
In these pictures she is trying applesauce for the first time.  Let's just say it was not her favorite. She would not stop gagging and shaking her head.  It was so funny.  Poor baby...
Happy half birthday, Brookie!

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