Wednesday, August 24, 2022

First Day of School

School is back in session. Can you believe how fast summer went by?  The kids were not looking forward to school well except for Charlotte.  This year we have 4 out of 5 kids in school.

Brooklyn didn't necessarily what to go to school, she just wanted a picture like everyone else.

This year Emily is in 8th grade at South Cache Middle School.  She was a little excited to go to school because she has a few classes with her friends this year.  She is also on student government so she has to at least pretend she is happy for school, right?  I can't believe she is already in 8th grade.  I remember when I was in 8th grade!  Emily is very responsible and gets herself up and to the bus before anyone else even gets out of bed.  Good luck in your last year of Middle School!
Colby and Logan left next.  This year they are in 6th and 4th grade.  As you can see, they were super excited to take a first day of school picture.  What goofs. 

Logan is in 4th grade and his teacher is Mrs. Diderickson.  Logan loves school for the social interaction.  He has some great friends and he makes friends easily too.  Logan was excited to start school for this reason alone.

Colby is in 6th grade and his final year at the elementary school.  His teacher is Mrs. Dixon.  Colby was not very excited to start school because none of his friends were in his class this year.  He was also worried that most of the disruptive kids were in his class.  These pictures were taken by his teacher in the first few days of school.  It looks like he is having a good time and getting along with the other kids pretty well.  Colby does make friends easily too and if not, he likes to do his own thing as well.  I'm sure he will be fine this year.  We also found out he was selected for the SEM program which is a class for advanced students.  Good job Colby! Enjoy your last year of elementary school.

Charlotte was not happy that the older kids got to go to school a whole week before she did.  Kindergarten started the next week and she could not wait any longer.  Finally though, her first day of Kindergarten came!

Theses three will be ruling the school by the end of the year I just know it!

Charlotte has been counting down the days until kindergarten ever since her preschool graduation last spring.  She was the most excited kid to start school.  Charlotte's teacher this year is Mrs. Stoker.  I know she will do great things this year!

When I picked Charlotte up on the first day, she was sporting this cool crown that said, "My First Day of Kindergarten!"  She wore it proudly.  When I asked her how school was she said it was great!  She has a few friends in her class this year that were in her preschool class last year so she was excited to see them.  Her friends Everett and Sophie are also in her class.  She was excited to go again the next day.
I know this year will be a great year for these kids.  I hope they make a lot of friends, learn a lot of things, and enjoy every moment.  Good luck in school kids!!

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