Saturday, August 6, 2022

Girls Camp

Emily had a great time at Girls Camp this year.  This was her second year of Girls Camp and they did a stake camp this year.  The camped at Camp Zarahemla near Eden, UT.  Here is Emily to tell you about it:

Girl's Camp was a lot of fun!  When we got there we set up our camp.  In my tent there was Ally Taylor, Lyndee Checketts, Mariah Clover, Sydney Bunce, and Nicole Viator.  They were such a fun group of girls.

The first day right before flag ceremony it rained so everything was wet.  But luckily it stopped so we were able to do the flag ceremony. At the flag ceremony we sung our girl's camp song. Each ward was assigned a verse and because our ward was the biggest we were able to get the chorus and we were the loudest and proudest singing our part.


The next morning a lot of the girls and I woke up really early to do the sunrise hike.  It was a super cool hike and when we made it to the top we were able to take a break, eat our snacks, and watch the sun rise.
One of the days at girl's camp we had a little tea party.  At the tea party we were taught a super cool lesson and painted cookies.  Another activity we did as a stake was we all split up and went to different lessons and activities.  One of the activities I went to was a camp cooking activity.  At this activity or lesson we were able to cook some very yummy treats over the fire.  One if the treats was cinnamon rolls in a orange it was super good!  Another activity I went to was a first aid lesson were we learned some first aid things that we would might need in case of an emergency, like if someone was choking or if someone was injured.  They were all super fun things to learn.  At camp we made a lot of bracelets as well, which you do at any girl's camp. 

At camp we played a lot of fun games and we also had a lot of ward free time which was a lot of fun.  During free time we had a lot of fun talking, making a lot of bracelets, and just hanging out together.  One of the times during free time we all, including our Young Women's leader, talked about books and book recommendations, it was a lot of fun.
Some activities we did as a ward was an obstacle course, archery, and tomahawk throwing. 

Archery and tomahawk throwing was a lot of fun and in archery we had a lot of "Katniss Everdeens."  One of the girls even made a bullseye! 
All the girls in the stake who went to camp, have the same matching sweatshirt and is is fun to see some of them wear the sweatshirts around school all the time.  We had amazing food and all the activities planned were a lot of fun to do.  The last day it rained a bit more in the morning and we all packed up and got ready to leave, though it was hard to put the tents away because they were wet.  It was so much fun to hangout and get to known the girls in the ward better at camp. Girl's camp was super fun and I can't wait to go next year!

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