Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Football Season

Fall means football season for the boys. Colby and Logan love playing flag football and it is pretty fun to watch them play as well. Thankfully this season was not as cold as past seasons so the games were pleasant to watch and play. 

Logan played for the Broncos this year. This was his second year playing football and is getting better and better.

Logan's favorite position while on offense is Center. He likes to hike the ball to the quarterback and then get in position to catch.  His coaches also had him play quarterback a few times. He did really well at this position but he didn't like all of the pressure to throw to the right players.

Logan's all time favorite position though is the defensive position of Safety. He was awesome at this position because he could grab every flag. As the safety, you can't let anyone get passed you. Well Logan never did. He was the best at grabbing flags and chasing kids down. His only goal was to get the flag no matter what and sometimes he dove for them. It was cool to watch him sprint.

In the end, the Broncos and Logan had a great season. These 3-4th graders learned a lot throughout the season and got better each game. Go Broncos!

Colby also had a great season. This is Colby's fourth year playing flag football and Russell's fourth year coaching his team. This year they were the Packers again.

This year Colby played a variety of positions on both offense and defense. They really wanted all of the players to experience each position. Colby did play quarterback a few times but his main position was running back. He was more confident in catching passes this year which was good when the QB actually threw to him.  

Colby was also good at pulling flags and helping out his team.  His position on defense was guarding the quarterback. He stood there and counted the 7 seconds before sacking the quarterback. This made a lot of the coaches mad but as long as Colby counted out loud to 7, the refs said it was legal. 

During one game, Colby made an awesome play that really got the other team's coach fired up.  The other team was on the 99 yard line so right next to our touchdown zone. As they hiked the ball, the quarterback pitched it to another player and the ball bounced off his arm. Colby was at the right place at the right time and caught the half caught half fumbled ball before it hit the ground and he ran two steps into our endzone for a touchdown! The other team's coach tried to say that Colby rushed but the ref said he saw the whole thing and it was good. It was so cool and so fast that we blinked and missed it! 

This was another fun coaching season for Russell as well. He coached with his cousin Earl Farnsworth again this year and they had a blast. Russell really gets into the games and sometimes has to be reminded that they are just kids. Then he backs off and has fun. It's funny but when he backs off or relaxes, the kids do much better than when they are feeling the stress from a coach. 

Their season also ended well. They won quite a few of their games and got better with each one. Go Packers!

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