Friday, October 28, 2022

October Activities

Like September, October is another busy month for us. Here are a few of the things that have been happening in our lives this month.

First, Emily was named the Student of the Month for South Cache Middle School. 
This is a pretty big deal because only one boy and one girl are selected for this award each month. Emily was nominated by her teacher and then the rest of the faculty voted for her to win. She was recognized for her hard work, and dedication to the school. She totally deserves this award! Nice work Emily!

Next, for activity days this month, we took the boys to the Corn Maze.  This is a crazy and fun group of boys so they were all over running through some corn.  Russell and I were way too slow for the boys because they just took off running through the maze. They beat us out by a long shot. Russell and I may or may not have had to cut through the corn to find the exit...

Once everyone was out of the maze, some of the boys played yard games like Connect Four, and Nine Square while some of the other boys ran back into the corn to try and beat their own records in the maze.  This was a fun activity.

Brooklyn turned 18 months old in October. She is really getting a spunky personality and she's so funny to listen to.

She loved the bouncy horse at the Corn Maze so much that we had to get her one of her own.  I found this horse at the Divvy Up consignment sale for $4 and had to have it.  Brooklyn has been loving it! 

For an 18 month old, Brooklyn is quite smart. She is a talker and says many words and is learning to say new words each day. Sometimes we have to interpret the words but when we get it right she says "Uh Huh!" I should really think about potty training her because she knows when she needs a new diaper and will tell me but I just haven't gotten up the motivation to do it yet.  Her one crutch is her binky. She will not let that thing go. She is also smart enough to keep track of it so we can't even hide it from her. She may be sucking a binky until she's 30...  Brooklyn likes playing Barbies, riding her horsie, being outside, and playing with Truly. She hates going to Nursery unless I go with her.  Hopefully that will change soon.  She likes her "juice," binky, and blankie to go to bed with but refuses to go to sleep on her own in her bed. She has to be "Rock a bye, Don't you cry" in the rocking chair with Mom in order to go to sleep. Once she is asleep though, I can put her in her bed and she will sleep all night. She is a good little girl and we love her so much!

October is also the month of Red Ribbon Week. Russell and I were in charge of Red Ribbon Week at Canyon Elementary again this year.  We did some fun activities throughout the week starting with an aerial photo of the entire student body and staff.

We also had each student pledge to be drug free by taping their hand print to the pledge wall. We also did a pumpkin painting contest again. The aerial photo we also entered into the Red Ribbon Photo Contest put on by the National Red Ribbon Campaign. We were selected as finalists in the contest so now we have to wait until December to find out if we win $1,000 for the school.

We also had the crazy dress up days for Red Ribbon Week.  Here the kids are showing off their crazy hair and crazy socks. We are happy with how the week turned out but also glad it is done. We are debating on doing it next year or letting someone else have a turn.

The next fun thing was watching Emily's band performances.
At the Bridgerland Band Festival, Emily and the 8th grade band was part of the opening number on the USU field. They played the National Anthem to start off the Band Competition.  During this Festival, high school bands from all over the state performed their field shows for judges. We stayed and watched a few bands and were so impressed by their performances.  Emily cannot wait to join marching band next year.

Finally Emily had her Halloween Band concert.

She is doing so well in Band.  She really likes the instruments she plays. For the most part she plays the bells but occasionally she has a drum or auxiliary part. Emily did really well in this concert as long as the other percussionist's Unicorn costume didn't get in the way.  

Another thing Emily has been doing is turning into a Zombie every weekend for the last month.  We don't really know what is happening to her...

The strange thing is that it happened to Russell and Colby once too! Emily has been helping in the Haunted Hollow at the American West Heritage Center on the weekends. This is like an outdoor haunted house and she has been one of the spooks that jumps out at you to scare you. She plays a dead Rapunzel and loves it. Russell and Colby went one weekend to help out and they had a blast too. 

There you have our October Activities!

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