Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy 27th!

July 19 was Russell's 27th birthday. Unfortunately, he had to work that night so we celebrated the next day. I didn't know what to do for his birthday but I finally decided make birthday shirts for all of us.
They turned out cute but kind of cheesy and nerdy too! Russell loved his and wore it all day. His Paramedic program was being audited by the state and because he is the class president, he had to go help his instructors. Russell wore his shirt to visit with the state auditors, even though I told him he didn't have to. He also wore it to work! He said some people laughed with him but a lot of people said it was a cute shirt.

I also made Russell a cake, of course. Emily loved helping by licking the beaters.

I decorated his cake like a Paramedic Student. I think it turned out cute. Russell had class that night so we took the cake to his class and had a little party. His instructor even took a picture of the cake to put on their class website!
Russell and I also took dinner to his class for the party. We made homemade Cafe Rio pork salads and they were sooooo good! I will be honest though, they don't taste exactly like Cafe Rio but they are pretty darn good. Everyone loved the food.

As you can tell, Emily loved being the center of attention with all of Russell's classmates. She smiled and laughed and threw food at them. Yeah she is a little wacky.

But her favorite part of the whole day was eating CAKE!! She kept sneaking her fingers into the icing on the cake when I wasn't looking and then said "MMMM! That good!" She also loved the cupcakes! As you can tell she tried to get the whole thing in her mouth. It was a fun birthday and Russell loved the attention. He said he had a great day. I am a bad wife though because on is actual birthday (remember we celebrated the day after), I made him just a little regular cake for us and I put candles on it so Emily and I could sing to him. (That was the good wife part.) I shaped the candles to say "26" because I really thought that was how old he was. Russell blew out the candles and said "Thanks dear, I'll gladly stay 26 for another year!" I was so confused until he told me he was 27 now! Yeah you can say it I'm a bad wife! or at least a very forgetful one...

I just had to stick this cute picture of Emily in here. She loves the camera. Every time she sees the camera she wants me to take a picture of her so I have a ton of random pictures of her on my memory card. Emily also loves GRAPES! She would rather eat grapes than anything else. As you can see in this picture, Emily has a grape in each hand as well as one in her mouth! I love this little nut!

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