Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yankee Meadow

Over the 24th of July Russell and I went camping at Yankee Meadow with Russell's family. We had a lot of fun playing games, four-wheeling, and relaxing. The weather was great and it was nice to get out of the heat of St. George.

Russell has to be the greatest marshmallow roaster ever. I don't have enough patience to slow roast the perfect mallow, I tend to catch mine on fire. So now Russell roasts all of my mallows. Emily loved the fire, I think she was fascinated by the bright flames. I made her sit on Russell's lap because I was worried she might want a closer look. She was okay with that especially when we gave her her first S'more. She was so sticky but she loved every bite.

Roasting marshmallows completely wears Russell out. As you can see he took a little shut eye while sitting by the fire.

We also took a four-wheeling trip while we were camping and found this beautiful waterfall. The water seemed to just come out of the mountain because I we just happened to find it. The water was cold when we put our hands in it. Emily's favorite part was splashing her hands in the water. But she was upset when I wouldn't let her actually get in the water.

And no camping trip is complete without a tea party with Grandma! My sister, Lacie, gave us this tea set because her kids had out grown it and we just keep it in the trailer so Emily can play with it camping. She brought out her "party" every chance she could to play with grandma.

We had a lot of fun camping and spending time with our family. Thanks for inviting us!!

1 comment:

Amelia Brame said...

I know what you mean about the perfect roasted marshmallow- I ALWAYS scorch mine kuz I am too anxious to eat it :)