Thursday, March 29, 2012

Just for Fun

Here is just a random little post of some fun pictures and events happening in our life:
These two cousins love playing together. We only have one tricycle so they like to share. I think they were playing "Going to the Ball." Alex was the prince and Emily is the princess and they are going to the ball on their bike. They have so much fun together I know Emily will be sad when Jen, Rick and the boys move up north in about a month.

These pictures are of Colby's technically second haircut but first major hair cut:
As you can see, he loved it...NOT! He was crying the whole time. Colby's hair was getting so long he looked like he had a bad comb-over and mullet going on at the same time. He looks so much better with it cut short. Luckily he is a little kid though because Russell and I are not professional barbers. The poor little kid's hair was so crooked and choppy. Thankfully it is not too noticeable at least no one has commented on the crappy job. Oh well he looks cute anyway and we did fix most of it with the scissors so it is not that bad. Russell had so much fun cutting Colby's hair he put the razor to his own head and pretty much shaved all of his hair off! His hair is probably about a 1/4 of an inch long. Of course he did this while I was at work or I would have stopped him. I am still getting used to the shortness. The buzz cut is better for him while he is in the fire academy so I guess I will have to deal with it. Emily says she doesn't want to get her hair cut because she wants it to grow as long as Rapunzel's hair so she can be Rapunzel for Halloween. And while we are on the subject of hair, I am still searching and deciding on a new style for me but I am not having any luck. Maybe I will go back short too...

Any way, life is good here in the Farnsworth home. And if I can make it through the next few weeks of tax season and Russell can make it through the last couple months of fire academy, we will be doing even better. Colby is doing much better with sleeping through the night and will even go to sleep on his own as long as I sing Primary songs to him or Russell is in the room. Emily is still the spunky girl she has always been. She loves going to Sunbeams and singing in Primary. She loves memorizing scriptures to tell the Bishop so she can get a candy out of his jar. I am looking forward to General Conference this weekend. I love hearing the prophet and apostles speak. The last few Conferences it has seemed that they were speaking right to me so I am excited to hear what they have to say this time.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Sadie wants her hair as long as Rapunzel too. I think I have her convinced to donate it to locks of love sometime though...