Monday, April 2, 2012

Conference Weekend

General Conference was awesome as always. I loved all of the talks and it seemed like the prophets were talking straight to me! I loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk about not holding grudges and forgiving others. One of the important lines from his talk was something like if you are holding grudges, or mad at some one, I give you this one piece of prophetic advice..."Stop it!" Simple but so true! We need to forgive those around us and move on with our life. There were also many other amazing talks about forgiving others and loving others. Another amazing talk was by a member of the seventy. I can't remember his name but he talked about the importance of children and those kind of talks always get to me. He said that our children will teach us more than we will every teach them. That is also so true. I learn so much from my kids like patience, love and kindness. I also learn other things from them like how it is impossible to clean puke out of shag carpet. I would never have learned that if I didn't have kids! Okay but seriously I do learn so much from them.

Any way, Russell had to work Conference Weekend but I didn't want that to stop us from our traditional Conference weekend road trip and picnic. I decided to make the trip alone with just me and the kids. I packed a lunch of hot dogs and potato salad and loaded the kids in the truck and headed for Pine Valley. We drove all the way up to Pine Valley only to find out that the picnic and camp ground areas were still closed for the winter! There was a big gate blocking the road up to the lake and the picnic areas. I was so bummed because the kids were hungry for lunch and I had driven all the way up there (with gas been close to $4 a gallon) for nothing! I was not going to let that stop our trip so I decided to drive further up the road to Enterprise instead. When we got there, there was also a gate telling us the campground was closed too! So instead of going home, I loaded up the stroller and we crawled under the fence and walked to one of the campsites and had our picnic:
Yes I even brought the dog. Clifford was so excited to go on a trip and run free. He is a pretty good dog and didn't stray too far and would come when I called him. Emily and Colby had a good time on the picnic. The only bad part was that it was really windy so we had to keep a hold of our plates so they didn't blow away. Other than that it was a beautiful day. It was nice to get away and enjoy nature again. This trip got me really excited for camping this summer.

After eating our lunch, we packed up our stuff and walked around the campground. I brought Emily's trike so she rode it around as I pushed Colby in the stroller. When we walked around the campground, the road back to our truck was up hill so Emily got really tired. I decided to put the dog to some good use and attached his leash to Emily's handle bars and had him pull her up the hill!

It was so hilarious! Emily loved it. Clifford did really well at pulling Emily until we walked passed the bathrooms then he was too interested in all of the smells and wouldn't walk on the road anymore. Finally I got him back on the path and we finished our trek up the hill to our truck. We listened to the Saturday afternoon session of Conference on the way home and the kids fell asleep. It was a good trip and worth every minute. What a great way to spend a beautiful day.

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