Friday, May 18, 2012

Random Updates

This is just a fun post of an update on these two cute little yahoos: (beware it is long...)
 I can believe how big they are getting and how much they are starting to look alike.  These two love playing together and exploring everything.
Colby is such a funny boy.  He loves walking now and can get anywhere he wants to go.  His new fun trick is reaching up and holding onto the oven door handle and then leaning backwards like he is upside down.  He thinks it is so funny.  I just have to make sure he doesn't do this while I am making dinner.  

 Colby has a thing for shoes.  Whenever he finds a pair of shoes, he puts them on his hands and crawls around.  I think he does this because he doesn't know how to put them on his feet.  Also he knows that if he puts his shoes on he can go outside.  Colby loves being outside and would stay out there all day if he could.  Whenever he sees an open door, he races over to it and tries to go outside.  He says "Out! Out!" If we shut the door without letting him outside he throws a big fit.  He is trying to talk but it is mostly just the syllables or sounds of the words he can say and we have learned to interpret.  He can say: out, mama, daddy, ti-tr (sister), doggie, baby, babit (blanket), dan do (thank you), diggy (piggies or toes), teeth, and his favorite, "um" (some or I want some).  We can tell went we interpret his babble correctly because when we repeat it back to him in real words he laughs and smiles.  

Colby's favorite food is fruit!  He could eat a whole can of fruit cocktail if I let him because he loves it.  If we bring out some kind of fruit during lunch, he refuses to eat anything but that so we have to leave it in the fridge until he is finish with his real lunch.  He also loves treats like any other kid.  Colby loves getting into everything!  He is an explorer.  He can take everything out of a cupboard or drawer faster than I can clean it back up.  He also loves banging on pots, driving toy cars, and coloring (well mostly eating crayons...)  The other day he discovered it was fun to color on the kitchen floor instead of on a paper!  Yeah I need to break that habit very quickly.  He also loves babies!  Whenever he sees a doll, he has to give it a big hug and kiss and says "Baby!"  Colby also is a nice sharing boy.  If he has two of some toy, he will bring me on and say "um um" and give it to me, then when I say thank you he will smile so big.  Colby loves to climb.  He can get up on Emily's bed and jump, climb up on Emily's little rocking chair and rock back and forth, and he can also climb up on the stool in the bathroom and look in the mirror.  He thinks he is so big when he gets up.  He loves brushing his teeth and spitting in the sink.  He will climb up on the bathroom stool and say "teeth! teeth!" whenever he wants to brush his teeth.  Colby's other favorite thing is the toilet...  We have to keep the bathroom doors closed because he will go right into the bathroom and start playing in the toilet water.  Oh it is so gross...  When ever it is quiet we know Colby is in the bathroom.  We have to scrub his hands and arms with soap every time.  I don't understand why he thinks it is so cool.

Emily is also growing up too fast.  She is a smart little girl.  She knows all of her letters and the sound that each of them make.  She is always looking at different signs or papers and telling me what letters are on them.  She can write her first name fairly well so I need to start teaching her last name.  Emily loves playing with her cousins, pretending to be Ariel or some other princess, watching movies, and playing outside.  She says the funniest things sometimes.  I really need to start writing them down so I can remember all of her Emily-isms.  Emily loves sleeping in mommy's bed when dad is at work or school.  A few weeks ago she told us she had to sleep in our bed because her bed was getting too small because she was getting bigger.  She wants to grow up so fast.  She is always telling us what she is going to do when she gets bigger like go to Kindergarten, be a mom, and recently loose a tooth so the Tooth Fairy can come. Last night she came into our room at 2:30 am and said her stomach hurt.  I knew that meant get her to the bathroom quick.  As we got her a drink of water she said, "Am I sick or something?"  We brought her bed in our room and about a half hour later, I hear her whimpering so I grab the bowl and put it under her mouth just as she starts puking.  I missed a little bit so it got on her bed.  As we were cleaning her up and putting new sheet on her bed she started giggling and said, "I must have thought my bed was a toilet!"  We couldn't help but laugh.  After that she was fine the rest of the night and is fine today.  

Emily loves pretending she is going to the ball with her prince and getting married in the temple.  I always hear her talking to her "princes."  Emily also likes going to church and her class.  She loves Primary.  She loves socializing and talking about birthday parties.  She is always disappointed when the primary sings to the birthday kids because it is never her turn.  It is hard having a birthday in September.  Emily is also enjoying her dance class.  She only has one more class until the semester is over and then she has her big recital.  We keep practicing her dance and for the most part she is getting it down but she doesn't really know how to count to the rhythm of the song so she still relies on her teacher to tell her what to do next.

We are getting ready for camping season so we just bought a new butt seat for our four-wheeler so all of us can fit on it:

As you can see though, the kids used it as a lounge chair to watch movies and a jungle gym to climb on.  They were kind of disappointed when Russell took it outside and put it on the four-wheeler.

The greatest toy of all though was the huge box the seat came in: 

Both Emily and Colby used it as a cave and a castle.  Then when Paul and Alex came over they used it as a trap to trap each other in.  What a great toy.  I finally got tired of how much room it took up in the house and threw it out while they were down for a nap.

Russell only has a few more weeks of Fire Academy.  Graduation is on June 11.  Right now he is learning about Haz Mat. Russell also just finished learning a lot at an EMS conference.  He earned 20 CME hours toward his Paramedic re-certification.  

I have just been busy with work trying to catch up with everything I put off during tax season.  It is nice to be back to shorter hours now.  I have also been looking into a few sewing side jobs and consignment.  My mom's ward also wants me to do a Super Saturday class in October and teach the ladies how to make baby shoes.  It is really crazy how much attention I have gotten over this.  On a sad note my parents' dog, Scooter, died last week.  They had only had her for maybe 4 years so she wasn't that old.  She had gotten really sick lately and they didn't know why.  My mom called the vet and he said it sounded like an infection in her intestines and to bring her in.  By the time my mom got home from work on Friday, however, Scooter had died.  My dad took it kind of hard I guess and my mom lost her walking partner.  I felt really bad because they loved that dog.  I wonder if they will get another one.

Any way, on a happier note, Klint Hughes got a job at the St. George Care Center as a social worker or something like that which means Lacie and her family will finally be moving back to St. George!  Klint has already started working down here but Lacie decided to stay up in Filmore until the kids get out of school and Jacee wanted to go to Girl's Camp with their ward before they move.  They also can't really move until they sell their house and find a new one down here.  So we are all praying they can sell their house soon and have enough to get into a new one down here.  Mostly we are excited for them to be moving back after close to 8 years.

Lately I have started walking with the kids at night.  I would really rather go jogging but our bike stroller is hard to push with two kids in it.  So we go walking instead.  I figure I am at least getting some exercise.  We go every night after I have give Colby and Emily a bath.  I just put them in their pajamas and then go walking around the neighborhood.  Sometimes Colby is asleep by the time we get home which is great so I just put him in his bed.  Then I read a library book and scriptures to Emily and she goes to bed too.  I like this new night routine and I love that it stays light later so we can do this.  

Well there is our life lately at least everything I can think of right know.  I hope I didn't bore you too much.  We are just living life and loving every minute.  

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