Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Playing in the Yard

We are enjoying the great weather we are having by playing outside.  We are trying to get as much time outside before it gets too hot to enjoy it.  Here are some of the fun things we had been doing:

A few days ago, Emily found these fun little bird houses at JoAnn's for a buck.  She wanted one to paint so I decided that would be a fun project for us.  I got one for Emily and Colby and we went home to paint them.  I think they turned out really good.  When we were done painting, we had Dad hang them up in our tree.

 Emily did a good job painting her house like a rainbow and I painted Colby's green and blue (boy colors according to Emily).  They were fun to make and Emily is so proud.  The houses are a little small so birds probably won't fit inside but they are still cool.

Our garden is growing and growing.  So far we have just gotten peas and one strawberry out of it but our zucchini and squash plants are huge and have blossoms, and there are a few little green tomatoes on our vines.  Here are a couple pictures of our first harvest of peas:

 One crazy thing we discovered growing in our garden is this hybrid of a cucumber and a pansy or what I call a cucansy!  I was looking at our cucumber plant the other day and I thought the flowers were blossoms but when I looked closer, I discovered a pansy plant was growing along side it.  I don't know where the pansy plant came from but I guess a stray pansy plant seed got dropped into our cucumber plant at Star Nursery and just started to grow.  Crazy huh!

And finally, we love playing in the sprinklers!  Well Emily does anyway, Colby isn't quite sure.


Emily was having the time of her life.  Colby was okay as long as Russell was holding him but as you can see in the picture above, Colby did not have the happiest face while he was trying to walk as fast as he could to get out of the way of the water.  

Clifford also doesn't know if he likes the sprinklers.  It was so funny to watch the dog while the sprinklers are on.  He kept biting at the water as it hit him like he was trying to catch the water in his mouth.  He is also the craziest dog because he hates getting wet.  I always thought dogs loved water but not Clifford.  We gave him is first bath and it was such a fight.  Then, when Russell was done, Clifford shook all over us and ran straight to his house right through the dirt and mud!  Well that bath didn't last long.

And of course the favorite part of the whole sprinkler experience was getting wrapped up in our towels to get dry and warm.  Every time Russell tried to take Colby out of his towel to go back in the sprinklers, he would scream and run back to me and the towel.

We love warm weather!!!

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