Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Our Little Popcorn

Emily had her first dance recital on June 1 & 2.  Her dance company, Dixie Arts Conservatory (DAC) put on three shows during these two days and Emily had a blast dancing in front of the audience with her friends.  The show was titled "Under the Big Top" and had a circus theme.  Emily's class was the youngest class and they were the little Popcorns!  Their tap dance was right before intermission and it got everyone in the mood to buy popcorn at the concession stand during intermission!

Here is our little popcorn in her popcorn box:

Duing the show, the little girls hid in the popcorn box as it was rolled out and then popped out of the box when it was thier time to dance.  The were definitely the cutest dancers in the show.
Here are the girls doing their popcorn dance.  Emily loved to practice her dance at home and during class.  As long as she watched someone do the dance she remembered each step.  So during the recital, I told her to follow her friend, Faye, because she knew the whole dance.  Emily and her class did an awesome job during the recital and they had a blast.

The day before the recital, Emily had her picture taken with her class:
They also had a picture taken with the whole dance company and everyone in the show.  I took my camera so I could get a few pictures of everyone as well and the photographer kind of got mad at me!  I would take my picture just before him or with him (I wasn't the only mom taking pictures as well).  Finally he got mad and said "I can't have all these flashes going off and ruining my lighting!"  I couldn't help but laugh to myself.  I didn't care because I got my shots in...sorry!

During the show, one of the mom's stayed behind the scenes with the girls until it was thier turn.  Above is a picture of the 5 little popcorns as they waited for thier turn.  Emily really liked her dance teacher Miss Brittany.  She was really fun and so good with the girls.  Emily loved dance class and asks us when she is going back.  We haven't decided when we will start dance up again.  Probably not until after the summer is over. 

Good Job Emily!

1 comment:

The Nielson Bunch said...

What a cute little dancer. Great job Emily!!