Monday, August 13, 2012

County Fair

August 8 - 11 was the Washington County Fair.  We went to the Fair on Friday the 10th and had a great time. 

The kids loved going to the petting zoo and seeing all of the farm animals.  They also loved feeding the animals little hay bales.  Unfortunately the animals had been fed these little bales all day by kids so they were not hungry by the time we got there.  That was OK Emily and Colby still loved trying to feed them.  The FFA kids in charge even let us hold the baby chicks.   The chicks were so soft but very wiggly, they did not want to be held and kept trying to jump out of our hands.  There was even a sting ray pool that we could pet the sting rays! 

The next morning, I took Emily and Colby to the parade in town:

They loved seeing all of the floats.  Emily loved waving at the city princesses and both Colby and Emily loved gathering all of the candy that was thrown.  We came home with a bag full of candy, a Frisbee, and a t-shirt!  The best part of the whole parade for the kids was splashing their feet in the water in the ditch!  By the time the parade was over Colby had fallen in two or three times and we were all soaking wet with nasty ditch water.  The ditch was not my favorite part of the parade because when Colby fell in the first time, I reached to grab him and my camera fell in the water.  Boo!  I had to decide save my child or save my camera and Colby won out.  I tried to let the camera dry out to see if it would still work but it later gave up the ghost and no longer works at all.  I am sad because I had that camera for 6 or 7 years...
Well I put a few items in the fair this year and came back with five blue ribbons and $32!  I was way excited.  We had a good time at the fair this year.

This next picture doesn't have anything to do with the fair but I thought I would put it in anyway:
Each night these two play beauty shop.  Instead of using combs for their hair, they use forks like Ariel in the Little Mermaid.  It is so funny to watch.  Russell gets mad when he sees Colby playing dress up and house with Emily but I think it is funny.  Colby loves doing anything his sister is doing.

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