Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day 2014

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  I hope you all got something special from the ones you love.  What a fun and busy week we have had.  We have had fun preparing for Valentine's Day this week.  

So the week started out kind of crazy at work.  My boss's dad died last week and he has been really emotional which is really strange.  So our work environment has kind of been walking on egg shells because we don't want to cause any more stress on him.  It is actually really sad and we of course feel really bad about it.  My co-workers decided we should show our support and go to the viewing. I was really glad I went and I hope Rick felt our support and concern for him.  The next day some of my co-workers attended the funeral and they said it was a really great funeral.  Stacy said that Rick was very emotional again so we hope he can keep it together and maybe staying busy with tax season will help.  On good thing that has come about this is that one of my co-workers that is not a member attended the funeral and heard the family talk about life after death and how they will see their dad again because they had been sealed in the temple.  My co-worker was very touched by this and started asking questions about the church and asked if that stuff was really true and we told her yes it is true.  So maybe that seed has been planted in her heart and we will see if it grows!

Anyway on to Valentine's Day!  So on the 13th, Emily had a Valentine party at school.  We brought cookies and the kids handed out Valentines to their classmates.  These are the Valentines we made for Emily's class:
 They say "Valentine, you make my heart "GLOW."  and we attached a little glow stick to it.  Emily said the kids loved them.  Emily had fun at her party and they even got to go out and play on the playground for a little while.  That is always fun.  

That night I went to Relief Society and had a great time just sitting and chatting with the ladies.  We tied a quilt for the DI, and made Valentine crafts for ourselves.  We also brought different recipes and dishes of things we make using our food storage.  There were some really good food and anything from pancakes to taco soup to homemade yogurt and even lemonade from self bottled lemon juice.  Everything was really good.

Apparently, while I was gone, Russell took the kids shopping for Valentine gifts for me because when I got to work on the 14th, my co-worker, Lori, asked me if I loved my flowers.  She had seen Russell and the kids at Lin's the night before buying flowers.  Well I leave for work before anyone wakes up at my house so I didn't know what she was talking about.  She felt so bad for ruining my surprise so she told me to forget she said anything.  We had a good laugh over that.  When I got home from work sure enough there were some very beautiful flowers and Valentines from Russell and the kids:

 Aren't they pretty!  I love them.  I am so blessed to had such a great family. 

While Russell was at school, the kids and I found his car in the college parking lot and heart attacked it:
Unfortunately, I lost track of time and we got caught!  Just as we were putting the last of the hearts on his car, Russell came walking up and caught us!  He was all smiles and Colby and Emily were so excited to show him what we had done.   Also we got him some balloons and chocolate covered strawberries and they had started to melt.   So I guess it was not all bad getting caught; the kids got to show off and we took the strawberries home before they got too warm.  He loved it.

That night Russell made us a really yummy dinner of bacon wrapped chicken, sweet potatoes, and asparagus and Sparkling Cider.  He even did the dishes!  I love this man!  We had a great Valentine's Day.

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