Sunday, March 23, 2014

Logan's First Steps!

Logan finally did it!  He took his first steps on March 17, St. Patrick's Day!

Logan is 13 months old now.  It was so fun to watch him take his first wobbly steps.  He was such a stubborn baby on learning how to walk that I thought he would never learn.  Anytime we tried to teach him to walk he would just sit down.  We would stand him up and he would just sit down or hold his legs up so we couldn't stand him up anymore.  But by chance, on Monday, Russell said he was watching Logan and all of a sudden he took a step from the couch to about the middle of the room!  When I got home from work, we had Logan walk back and forth to each of us and Logan loved the attention and kept trying and trying to walk as much as he could.  He would smile so big when we would cheer for him.  Logan seems to like walking now.  He still can only take about 5 steps before falling but that will come with practice.  He also can only walk if we stand him up or if he stands up next to the couch and launches himself out to take a few steps.  He still preferred to crawl but is not as opposed to walking any more.  Good Job, Logan!! We are so proud of you.

Well that fun event started off our week of fun.  We had a lot going on this week between working extra hours and planning for a primary activity.  Tuesday Emily had her music class.  She loves her music class and is learning a lot about ear training, and major scales, rhythms and singing and playing her bells.  Wednesday I got up extra early to go to the temple.  I have been bad and have not been to the temple for a very long time probably since before Logan was born...  So I found out that on Wednesdays, there is an extra early session that starts at 5:30 am.  Well my goal was to get to that session but I missed it by 2 minutes so I went to the 6:00 session instead.  In a way I am glad that I missed the 5:30 session because it was nice to sit in the quiet chapel and just feel the Spirit and get mentally ready for the session rather than feel rushed.  The temple session was so nice.  I definitely need to make temple attendance a bigger priority in my life.  I am going to try and go to these early morning sessions more often because it sets the whole mood for my day and week and I can go before I have to go to work.  Wednesday was also spent Visiting Teaching.  I am a terrible Visiting Teacher but my partner is a great one so we go visit our ladies each month because of her.  Thanks Michaela for getting me going.  Our last stop was to my 1st Counselor and our friend, Anna.  We found out a few weeks ago that she is moving up north and we are so sad to loose her.  I brought her dinner and Michaela and I helped her box up some of her families things.  I was fun to help her but sad too.  I know she appreciated the help and especially the dinner which made it all worth it.  Finally, yesterday we had a fun Primary activity.  Last year we did a "Preparing for General Conference" activity and it was a huge success.  A lot of parents told me their kids had a great time and that they looked forward to and watched General Conference that time.  So we decided to do it again.  Our activity was a General Conference Celebration.  We had a pretty good turn out and the kids said they had fun.  We made a countdown to conference craft, learned about the apostles by playing a memory game, and played a General Conference trivia game show game.  Then we ended by handing out conference activity packets for the kids to work on during General Conference and had cookies.  I think it was a good activity.  

We had a good week this week.  Full of milestones for Logan, and spiritual experiences for me and fun activities for the kids.

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